All posts by Sally

Saturday Solitude

  1. Garden time
  2. Dappled sunlight
  3. Birdsong
  4. Clean air
  5. Perfect temperatures
  6. Every imaginable shade of green
  7. Pink, red, orange, yellow, white, blue, purple…
  8. Beneficent invisible beings
  9. Not having to talk
  10. Feeling at peace with my thoughts


  1. Garrett’s kind words (thank you)
  2. People who care
  3. Feeling appreciated
  4. Gently pushing myself to go a little further
  5. Not playing small
  6. Laughing at myself (because I can be so ridiculous sometimes) :)
  7. Income generated through my writing
  8. Signs from the Universe
  9. Being surrounded by creative women
  10. Feeling young

Grateful for…

  1. This misty, green day
  2. Our “new” low-mileage, crazy economical 1999 Honda Civic
  3. Great audio tapes to listen to in the car
  4. “Women Who Run With the Wolves”
  5. Learning something new and feeling really good about it
  6. Scrumptious locally-made ice cream
  7. Pasta for lunch AND dinner :)
  8. Spending time with a special little girl and her wonderful mom
  9. Basking in positive energy
  10. A precious friendship that is sure to last a lifetime

Taking flight

  1. Getting back on course
  2. Holding a swallow in my hands (it had hit the window) until it recovered and flew away
  3. Baltimore Orioles enjoying the grape jelly I put out for them
  4. House wrens chattering up a storm
  5. Great Blue Herons
  6. Breathing
  7. Having no particular place to go
  8. Quiet time
  9. Taking stock
  10. Sleep

Vital Signs

I an grateful for my life

and all the challenges

that have spawned gray hair,

every line on my face

proof that I am living–

not always full-out,

sometimes hesitant–

but the evidence is there

that I show up every day

to etch my signature in time

and add my voice

to Earth’s infinitely beautiful song.


  1. Migration
  2. Warblers
  3. Vireos
  4. Orioles
  5. Flycatchers
  6. Herons & Egrets
  7. Birding with friends
  8. Seeing “Pretty Betty Butterfly” in the Black Swamp Bird Observatory gift shop
  9. My brilliant creative/publishing team, Crystal & Wendy
  10. Rest at the end of a very full day


  1. Being mindful of what is showing up in my life
  2. Seeing Spirit in everything
  3. Green shoots
  4. The Baltimore Orioles have returned…
  5. …and Warbling Vireos and Eastern Kingbirds!
  6. Bald Eagles soaring over the lake
  7. The rumble of thunder
  8. Moving my body
  9. Feeling strong and supple
  10. Loving life

Repose and reflection

  1. A little breather before May arrives with a fresh flurry of activity
  2. The sound of the waves
  3. Great insights from a spiritual mentor
  4. Honoring my practice
  5. Expanding my vessel
  6. Learning
  7. Absorbing
  8. Taking action before I could talk myself out of it
  9. Believing
  10. Sharing my gratitude with you