Grateful being emotionally consistent through this week, which gave me a better opportunity to reflect better, and get useful insights about myself. Grateful for the how I have changed, which, predominantly, due to putting efforts in Journaling and reflecting in my life experiences.
Grateful for remembering that quote today :
Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have of changing others.
Grateful that I believe that I am in the right place, at the right time doing the right thing.
Grateful for the fun I had yesterday when I went for a new challenging workout, and I get the insight that it is the most challenging things that make me feel alive, better, energized, focused, it depends on how much good deeds I am putting in it as well, what are my intentions behind it, is it for the good, is is ego driven acts or a self love act..
Grateful for liking the way Bach deals with the human spirit, as if he is taking it in a tour inside itself, inside a museum called me, and not just that, he makes you stop and meditate in your own drawings and sculptures, your emotions as well . Bach music makes me see myself as a whole, it is love, serenity, and Godness.
All posts by shadisamy
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.
Grateful for waking up today lively, happy, healthy, purposeful,loved, excited about today.
Grateful for my warm feelings towards my parents. Grateful for that forgiveness, acceptance growing inside me towards my past.
Grateful for yesterday : Grateful for my green peas meal for dinner. Grateful for an amazing workout. Grateful for a sleep with no bad dreams. Grateful for disappointment as it teaches me to lower my expectations. Grateful for understanding the difference between sympathy, and empathy. Grateful for learning to see the glass as half full. Grateful for starting to think to make useful contributions to myself, my environment.
Grateful for God’s word to me today : Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (vv. 16–18
7 December 2020 Gratitude journal
Grateful for today
Grateful that I got my meals planned, prepared.
Grateful for the time I am given to work, study, improve myself.
Grateful for the availability of water to drink and use.
Grateful for safe travels every day.
Grateful for small drops of rain in this early morning.
Grateful for plummers. Grateful for janitors. Grateful for electricians.
Grateful for hand towels. Grateful for tissues. Grateful for socks. Grateful for wallets. Grateful for takeaway restaurants.
Grateful for the things I see when my eyes are wide open. Grateful for my eyesight. Grateful for the things I see when my eyes are closed. Grateful for my imagination.
6 December 2020 Gratitude journal
Grateful for quality night’s sleep.
Grateful for hot showers in cold mornings for its calming effect, and for cold showers in cold mornings for its activating effect.
Grateful for sun light, especially in the morning of cold winters, when it feels like Bach’s calming harpsichord in one of his concertos for the one’s heart. Bach is like the sun in a way that both of them give its light equally to all the universe, mankind who wants to seen, hear it.
Grateful for upcoming weekend plans, while a close friend of mine is going to get engaged, and I will meet an old close friend.
Grateful for being able to break a sweet everyday.
Grateful for loving challenges, as they bring out the best in me. Later in the next challenge, there is more better in me, so challenges are a way of improving myself, a way of improving how I see myself, and a way of improving how I see the world. Another perspective to be pondered is the way the world opens more doors for you if you knocked one door. I can’t describe how amazingly the things work out for the best.
5 December 2020 Gratitude journal
Grateful for yoga teacher ( youtube of course) saying at the end of the session :
The light and dark in me honors and bows the light and dark in you.
Which always make me think and ponder things.
Grateful for completing the papers that allows me to apply to an apartment of my own.
Grateful for success,ambition. Grateful for the opportunity to manifest things I have always dreamed of. Grateful for growing on strength in every step forward I take. Grateful for my parents who are helping, supporting me in every step taken.
Grateful for science. Grateful for the opportunity to study alomost anything online.
Grateful for Bach : Blessing , Abundance Completely by Higher power.
Gratitude for the people we share the day with
The people we share the day with carry our lessons within their words and actions. Let’s be vigilant in our attempts to listen.
We have so much to learn, and that’s why we’re here. Our lives have purpose, even though we might fail to grasp it. Remembering that God is trying to reach us in even the most mundane of circumstances keeps us attentive to everyone in our lives. Our attention to others triggers their lessons too.
The cycle is never-ending. We are not here by accident – we are here by design. The role addiction plays in our lives is part of the design. We can learn our lessons and fulfill our purpose only by acknowledging the spirit, the presence of God, within each person God has ushered to us.
Gratitude journal 3 December 2020
Gratitude journal
Grateful for Woking up today happy, healthy, wealthy, worthy, loved, excited about today.
Grateful for the past two days, whilst I stayed at home with my parents, and had a lot of intimate moments.
Grateful for a pleasant upcoming event, while I am gonna attend a musical concert at opera house. Grateful I am able to book the ticket online.
Grateful for my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles well being.
Grateful for the joy of accomplishing something.
Grateful for the joy of feeling you are blessed, worthy.
Grateful for understanding the value of interpersonal skills.
Friend, hobbies,and parents
Grateful for friends who I can always rely on.
Grateful for looking forward to meet with my parents.
Grateful for the hobbies and activities that brings me joy. Grateful for swimming, hiking, photography, traveling, training, watching movies, working on something I like, learning, writing, reading.
Yoga | Emotional Eating | Memories
Grateful for waking up today happy, healthy, beautiful, positive, confident, loved, excited about today.
Grateful for memories. Sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it is a blessing. Grateful for our brains ability to store things, and bringing it up through a magnificent way of spreading images, and sounds through our imagination.
Grateful for yoga stretches, routines, poses. Grateful for how it is helping me in finding physical peace, and releasing my muscles tension. Grateful for the possibility of healing my inner wounds by understanding the value of being present at the current moment with all it tension, pain, and relief.
Grateful for delicious, nutritious meals, that happens to interests me, just like the unhealthy carbs i used to cope by in my emotional stress, or boredom. I am still suffering from the inclination to express my emotions through unhealthy behaviors, like emotional eating, but I am proud, and grateful I am still trying.
Grateful for creative ideas,thoughts, and actions.