All posts by shadisamy


Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for being gifted by  a luxurious life, with lots of meaningful experiences, and a spiritual passion that leads my way.

I am grateful for being gifted by  all the facilities I needed in my life.

 I am grateful for recovering from flu.

 I am grateful for attracting prosperity with each thought I think.

 I am grateful for my parents who take of me, even when we are distance far from each other.

I am grateful for Yesterday’s workout which ended perfectly with Cardio HiiT, and gave me super power to end my day peacefully.

 I am grateful for my hard work at my job.

I am grateful for having plans for the next week.

True grit

Grateful for the great ,loving company I had for the past 7 days during my trip .

Grateful for the conversations we shared ,the jokes ,the steps ,the hard times ,the great photos .

Grateful for our true grit . Grateful for the blessful nights under the stars .

5 things

5 things i am grateful for today :

My eyes
My hands
My nose
My ears
My mouth

5 thungs i am grateful for tomorrow:
My job
My workout
My friends
My parents
My legs

5 things i am grateful for yesterday :
Sound Sleep
Fine weather
Food on the table

I am not a rock

Self love journal

Grateful for the power of my brain .

Grateful for my dreams . Grateful for my smallest dreams ,the thing that motivated me to build my bigger dreams .

Grateful for learning to release my past attachments to make room for my future.

Grateful for the significant difference i am making in the lives of people around me . My Mother ,My father

,My brother
,My Grandmother ,My Grandfather
,My Aunts
,My friends

Grateful for the power i am given to improve my situation.

Understanding that I am not a rock frames how I approach every
mental health issue in my life. As a human, I can feel and think things I don’t like. Translating this understanding into actions has been an incredible support for overcoming mental illness and continuing to improve my mental health


📉 Gratitude journal

Today i am grateful for the air i breathe ,for the qmzing winter skies I see .

Today i am grateful for woking up and doing some chores effectively,happily ,with lots of funny moments .

Today i am grateful that i have my health ,my body ,my soul ,my thoughts,my mind ,my parents .

Today i am grateful for my friends. i am grateful for my friends who have helped me get through tough times,and those who help me enjoy good times .

Today I am grateful for my years of adolescence ,for the infinite fun i had with my friends ,and for the places i went with my friends along the country .

Today I am grateful for childhood memories ,for how innocent i looked ,and for the love I got from my parents and family .


Gratitude journal

+ My  memories from last year with my friends.
+ My memories with my family ,which is something quiet new to my parents ,the ones whos are used to work and work hard in order to provide ,only provide for us without having any fun . Grateful for the opportunity to make my parents have fun ,

– Grateful for learning to share what i have learned ,which is something new to me .. i used to learn and learn and like what I have learned ,but now i have so many things to share . Grateful for the ways God have created for us to connect .

– Grateful for online shopping ,and the opportunity to save time ,and sometimes money .

– Grateful for catching up with old acquaintances.
– Grateful for having fun while exercising ,and taking it easy .
–  Grateful for having large number of recipes yet to be cooked .
– Grateful for truths .
My Material wealth will not make you a better or happier person
Money only amplifies that which was already present .
Happiness is always present in my life ,the matter of connecting it and letting t flow through my life is the challenging thing .
I can not make everyone happy .
I can not be perfect and holding myself to unrealistic standards makes me suffer .


Gratitude journal

  :”: Grateful for feeling safe . I am safe .
 Grateful for omelets . I love my breakfast meal .

例. Grateful for leg workouts. Grateful for going to the Gym . I love exercise and i am making progress .

 Grateful for music parties . I love music . I am grateful for my ears .

 Grateful for morning showers . i am grateful for hot water .

﫵 Grateful for choosing to live today. i am grateful for being given another day to live .

@@ Grateful for moments of unexpected kindness .

✔^^ Grateful for old TV Shows .

#@ Grateful for meal planning .Grateful for my meals for this weak which was amazing and nutritious.

 Grateful for roses ,sad ones but surviving  ,happy ones and thriving ,the ones who choose to live happily  ,the ones who choose to die beautifully .

❓ Grateful for questions. Grateful for questioning myself along the journey ..

Making difference

Grateful for the power of my brain .

Grateful for my dreams . Grateful for my smallest dreams ,the thing that motivated me to build my bigger dreams .

Grateful for learning to release my past attachments to make room for my future.

Grateful for the significant difference i am making in the lives of people around me . My Mother ,My father

,My brother
,My Grandmother ,My Grandfather
,My Aunts
,My friends

Grateful for the power i am given to improve my situation.

5 things

Gratitude journal

5 things i am grateful for today :

My eyes
My hands
My nose
My ears
My mouth

5 thungs i am grateful for tomorrow:
My job
My workout
My friends
My parents
My legs

5 things i am grateful for yesterday :
Sound Sleep
Fine weather
Food on the table

5 things i am grateful for last week :
Means of transportation
Ability to exercise mindfulness
Not completing 5 things to be grateful for last week ,but accepting it.

25 October 2022-2021-2020-2019

🦸Grateful for fulfilling relationships in my life .

🦸Grateful for my body for getting better constantly.

🦸I am grateful for all the lessons that I haven’t learned yet .


The love I am seeking is seeking me.

2020 Grateful for Woking up today happy, healthy . Grateful fory happy music for the morning ‘ Bach – John Passion’. Grateful for my healthy breakfast.

🍁 Grateful for yesterday. Grateful for arriving at work safely. Grateful for being entertained watching an Edgar Wright – Simon Pegg movie ‘ Hot Fuzz’. Grateful for meaningful movies like ‘ Hector and the search for happiness’ being produced , and for me for deliberately thinking of the characters, and having a chance to reflect on myself as each one of them.


🙏 What if I can’t hear?

+ I couldn’t have heard music.
(Saint saints sym no 3), ( Philip Rombi – Frantz OST –
+ I couldn’t have heard sea sound ( waves in the rocks, waves on shores, water flow sounds, the inner sound of my breath under water that kinda meditate me telling me I am alive in a tranquil beautiful mantra)
+ I couldn’t have heard the voice of my beloved ones (My friends, my parents, my brother, my grandmother, myself :)) )
+ I wouldn’t been able to communicate.
+ I couldn’t have learned lots of things I have learned through youtube channels ( Even I could have read about it but still hearing someone’s voice represents a deep connection between human beings) , I wouldn’t have done all the workouts I have done online.