All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)


  • slow nights after busy days
  • sharing mutual excitement with a friend
  • spring has sprung
  • sunshine & blue skies
  • intentionally slowing my thoughts and prioritizing
  • lessons and stories, we all have them
  • joy in all things

Musings on a Snowy Monday!

  1. warmth and shelter on such a bitterly cold day
  2. always having enough, J is such a generous provider and I am grateful for him
  3. good news, it is always welcome
  4. holding space for those I love
  5. my family is safe, happy, sheltered and well. I am grateful and can not ask for more
  6. sunrise to sunset and every second in between

Happy Heart Day!

  1. peaceful, easy Sundays
  2. new warm weather wardrobe from my hubby…(have the clothes now’s where is the warm?) Happy Valentine’s Day all
  3. much needed break offline to self care and just be
  4. comfy and warm inside on this bitterly cold, snowy, icy day
  5. blessings beyond measure , to many to list
  6. letting go and letting God