All posts by Sterling

About Sterling

Wife, mother, cancer survivor, lover of life. who is blessed beyond measure. Masterpiece-in-training (God isn't finished with me yet)

Monday Morning Gratitude!

  1. waking up this morning, I know it was you God
  2. a short walk with my hubby this morning before the heat becomes stifling
  3. a great cup of coffee to start my day
  4. every step I  take ( weak though they are some days I continue to walk against all odds)
  5. perseverance, it is such a blessings
  6. family, to love and be loved is a beautiful gift
  7. the richness of connection

New Week Magic

  1. meaningful conversations
  2. appreciating the simple things
  3. an abundance of “things” that inspire me
  4. Hershey’s chocolate with almonds yum, yum
  5. God’s wonderful wisdom and timing
  6. 4 days until vacation, woo hoo!
  7. new beginnings
  8. family always
  9. rest at the end of a long day

Happy Wednesday!

  1. waking up this morning
  2. finally regaining access to this site, (I am so happy I kept trying)
  3. sunshine, blue skies and a cool breeze
  4. AC to keep us cool, calm and mostly collected
  5. an endless source of reading material
  6. family always
  7. feeling comfortable in my skin again
  8. renewing the promise I made to myself
  9. each new day that brings with it the opportunity to get it right
  10. my ability to be grateful anytime and anywhere
  11. always looking for the good
  12. life, each second is a precious gift

Sunday’s Child is Full of Grace

  • sleeping in
  • a great cup of coffee to start my day.
  • a relaxing day just hubby and me
  • time, it seems like a little thing  to some but it’s really BIG
  • warm  Spring-like days in February that remind me that Spring is just around the corner
  • stillness
  • wisdom gained from tough lessons
  • a nice family visit day at my daughter’s new home yesterday
  • family, it’s everything
  • a beautiful day

Fabulous Friday

  1. seeing the weekend just over the horizon
  2. surviving a hectic week
  3. 70 degree wether in February
  4. my amazing husband, he always  has my back
  5. the little things that bring me so much joy
  6. a dwindling “To Do List”
  7. incision healing and only minimal tenderness/pain
  8. the difference two weeks make
  9. love given and love received
  10. this beautiful day

2/7/2023- Tuesday Gratitude

  1. hot steaming coffee to begin my day
  2. beautiful sunshine and warmth that makes me long for Spring
  3. family always
  4. sitting with some difficult feelings until they passed
  5. incredible family and friends who have prayed, sent flowers and texts, dropped in to check on me and embraced me like always with love…they are a wonderful gift
  6. the slowness and ease that retirement has given my husband and our lives
  7. life, every second is amazing

What A Difference A Week Makes!

  1. hubby’s retirement, he’s enjoying, we’re enjoying and there is no one more deserving of the rest
  2. my family they never fail to surround me with love and support
  3. 4 days out of surgery and doing so much better than expected
  4. reduction of pain, no pain meds at all for 24 hours
  5. progress no matter how small or how messy
  6. recognizing how blessed I am
  7. walking my path and liking where it leads (at least most of the time)
  8. a relaxing Sunday
  9. the whole family under the same roof this weekend
  10. a good life

Grace on a Thursday!

  • waking up, not everyone gets to
  • those that inspire and encourage others
  • accomplishing everything on my “To Do” Listi
  • it’s cold but it isn’t snowing and I am grateful
  • warm  and toasty inside on this cold and windy day
  • God’s grace and mercy on mine and me
  • life is good and God is great