- Enjoying material luxuries. I realized my favorite signs of affluence are: matching bathroom towels in different sizes, lots of artwork and a patio/outdoor space. I bought some discounted (matching) towels and local art.. Now I feel like a million bucks!
- Being inspired by Crystal’s gorgeous home in the Magical Pine Forest. It’s truly a *HOME*. So cozy, eclectic, and beautifully designed. I can’t imagine her living anywhere less amazing. I was hoping to be snowed in so I wouldn’t have to leave!
- All of the resources available on YouTube, you can learn anything!
- My boss’s no-sweat attitude. I tell him I try to make one new mistake everyday, most days I succeed!
- Sending someone a letter in the mail
- Car rides with my mom
- Having a friend for everything. One of my best friends, Fifi, told me when my mom was diagnosed in May “If you want someone to laugh with, call me. If you need humor to help you, call me. A night away, call me. If you need a shoulder to cry on… Call Megan, she’s good at that stuff”. Hahaha!
- Looking forward to dinner with my mom and her friends on Thursday. It’s kind of great she can’t drive alone anymore so I always get to come along! Her friends laugh so much and have such a wonderful time, you would swear they were drunk.
- Trying a new food. Kale. It tastes like broccoli + collard greens + spinach and is super easy to prepare
- The joy of talking to customers at work. This week I met two children immigrant (and their American mom) and learned about the citizenship process. I talked to a man printing pictures of his parents whom his children had never met. He wanted them to know their stories. Took a passport picture for a young man going to live in China for five years (he can’t speak Mandarin, he was a little nervous but very excited). There are so many reasons I love my job
Wishing you meaningful interactions in your day