Category Archives: Gratitude

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving! The grateful holiday. We pause to reflect on blessings then chow down!

Thanksgiving! Picturing the feast and traditional foods  makes me drool like Pavlov’s dogs.

Even more exciting it just might be that my youngest and their wife will be part of Thanksgiving plans.

Meal giveaway weekend. Providing a Thanksgiving meal to anyone who drives up. Grateful to people from Church who are roasting 14 turkeys. Grateful for kitchen helpers and runners.

Grateful to Ann who thinks cranberries are important enough to make a trip out to have them for meal.

Thank you Mike for your expertise to figure out how many potato buds you need to feed 150. (And donating them)

Today I’m eating out both breakfast and lunch. Blessed not to have to choose!



When  a fellow poster comments on every gratitude post. Wow! Thanks Karen

A sold out event at hall I usher at. I sat outside in lobby and enjoyed the quiet time. A great time was had by all!

Warm enough to finish the hiking spree today. 8 trails earns us a medallion for the hiking staff.

Frosty nights but we are warm. New windows paying off.

Was aiming at 69 birthday wishes but being included in Church announcement I exceeded that. Thanks everyone!

The marvel of face to face conversations on the phone. Texting is a marvel too.

Busy day but fitting it all in. Two invitations to eat out tomorrow and I’m going to both.

Giving time approaches. I have adopted a couple kids to shop for through Church Christmas giveaway. Exciting to shop for kids.

All around us are impressive things. Be impressed!

The joys of life

  • God
  • Family.  Looking forward to getting together with my side of the family on Thanksgiving and then my inlaws the day after out of town. 
  • Learning the new hospital at work.  It was a bit scary for me at first, but I feel I will be okay.
  • Watching videos on Buddhism.  I am a born again Christian, but like to learn other religions and ways of spirituality.
  • A day off.  My work schedule has been a bit goofy, but thankfully, I have not worked a long schedule in a bit.  Just getting used to one day off, instead of two in a row. That will change.
  • Good music.
  • Getting together with friends for the Christmas City Of The North parade this coming Friday.
  • The ability to make friends and meet new people without it feeling stressful.  
  • Prayer and Meditation.  
  • Reading good books. 
  • Pleasant weather the past couple days. 
  • Beautiful sunrise pics from the hospital.
  • Waking up and feeling off, but working out of it and enjoying the new day God has given me. 

Up To ME

In birthdays past I’ve relied on others to make me happy  and always been disappointed.

Today I’m In charge and I will uncover the joy and see so much to be grateful for.

Hard day yesterday but Hubby was patient and friends checked in and I rode it out.

A hug goodnight and a squeeze to start the day.

Grateful that I’m alive. Upright,walking and talking.

Singing songs of my choosing and one I’m not fond of.

Reframing days events to see positives.

I believe it’s going to be the best day ever.

The One

+Gratitude journal

/Grateful for yesterday, it was an amazing day, which I had fun, rest, and I had been productive.

/Grateful for today, it will be an awesome weekend, while I am going to see an old friend.

/Grateful for my new haircut, and this feeling of a newborn child 😊🎉

/Grateful for Beethoven’s ninth symphony, and for all the musicians who contributed over years in playing, conducting it. Grateful for Paul kletziw, the Czech conductor from whom I lastly listened to this symphony from . Grateful for the feeling that is created within me while listening, it is like I am hearing it for the first time.

/Grateful for what I have learned today. The shortest way isn’t always the best. Sometimes God lets us take the longer route in life, whether it’s in our career or other endeavors, so that we’ll be better prepared for the journey ahead. When things don’t seem to happen quickly enough, we can trust in God—the One who leads and guides us.

My Day

Went to library and it wasn’t open but I have books on Libby.

Can’t find my library card to other library. Easy to get a new one but want to be in good mood when I go!

Went to thrift shop. Not open. It said 11 . (Hope she is OK.)

Thing I ordered online didn’t fit. Complicated return. I will donate it.

Have a headache and can’t find ibuprofen. Thank you auto correct.

Feeling like it’s not my day but turning it to feeling grateful that it’s only petty things to complain about.

Taking a walk soon I’ll leave my troubles in the woods!


Sunshine makes things look better! Vitamin D !

Grateful my mums haven’t succumbed.

Simple suppers for busy nights. Good sides means it might cost as much as eating out.

Speaking up instead of being silent releases a burden. A lesson learned.

The freedom to vote. We are privileged.

Halloween decorations are put away. Not quite time for Christmas ones. I’ll just enjoy the sunshine!

Thank You!

Love tutoring my fourth grade buddies

I love reading with them

Helping them with definitions

Damien helped me with a definition today! Hooray!

Got my RSV shot with no appreciable side effects

Soup for dinner

Country Music Association’s Awards Show

God – thank you for this day!

And I Am Grateful 4

  1. Good food and naughty food. Marked down Reese’s Cups.Homemade vegetable soup. One container of pumpkin/apple soup.
  2. Friends who are like family. My unofficial daughter. Pictures.Hubby getting better.
  3. The choice whether to be busy or rest. Bargains when I’m busy. Books when I rest.
  4. Mild Fall weather. A pleasant walk . So many people walking dogs. These days are precious as we trip into Fall.

Tonight I am grateful for…

  • surviving a trying day
  • catching up in a myriad of ways even though my heart isn’t in it
  • time to reflect
  • exercising patience in an anger causing situation (knowing I will appreciate it later, although now not so much)
  • family always
  • recognizing my blessings even in the chaos
  • the knowledge that this is just a bad day not a bad life and simply  flowing with not fighting against