Category Archives: Gratitude

Just Another Hectic Monday!

  • insights that bring clarity
  • things that work out perfectly just the way you imagined them
  • Hershey bars with almonds
  • tasks accomplished
  • exercising faith, it hasn’t failed me yet
  • those who check up one me just because
  • cooler temps that allowed me to  some reading time under my favorite tree
  • family and home (they are my happy place
  • trusting my process and knowing that where


For Worship I’m planning I’m going to be asking people to think of words that end in ful.

Grateful and Thankful

Beautiful and Colorful

Restful and Peaceful

Faithful and Insightful

Joyful and Cheerful

My life is full. Let me absorb the fullness!



Grateful that though the weather has been wild no one hurt. Inconvenienced yes but no casualties.

Friend’s mailbox smashed by a tree. Ironically had to be replaced earlier this Summer when a driver mowed it down.

Was there a siren or an alert? Not important just learn for next time.

Grateful to all the people who get us up and running after a storm. Too many to list.

Preparing for window people. Good thing to pull the furniture out now and then. As we have moved things around it looks like a storm went through in here.

Wishing for inner peace. Hoping we are doing things in proper sequence. Keep me calm .

Prompt for today. Progress. The goal is to progress to progress!

A Good Day!

writing group this morning – love what I wrote

lunch with hubby Tom

a trip to the grocery store with a friend

a nice big piece of watermelon

dinner with Tom’s golf league

and Project Runway (one of my top TV shows!)

life is good and I am grateful, thankful, blessed!

Busy Weekend

Weekend of prepping and serving 150 meals through drive thru at Church leaves me grateful for my helpers especially my Hubby. Grateful for the food to fix and blessings to those that receive it.

He grew weary so I took over oven duty. Four ovens two racks each. A blast of heat every time they opened. Grateful for fans and water. Grateful for energy!

When ran out of food I created a specialty sandwich out of things on hand. Grateful for the inspiration! Glad to have it too as we needed it.

Worship. Music.Mischief! A “Crazy” sermon! A Church Chat to start to think about Fall.

Newlyweds might buy a house. Grateful for their opportunity. Hope it works out for them.

Large pizza Saturday night was so good then and Sunday too.

Skipping water exercise as charlie horses in my legs signal the need to slow down.

Grateful to be able to take my friend to a Dr’s appointment. Thankful car is fixed.

Grateful to be busy. Grateful to have time to rest. Grateful for balance!

Gratitudes and Grandsons!

grandson Nate is heading back to Wittenberg tomorrow

we will miss him, but we are oh so proud of him

grandson Andrew is already settled in at Kent State University

we are oh so proud of him also!

hummingbirds have returned to the feeder – as I typed that, a hummingbird appeared!!

having a relaxing day that included a nap

spent most of the afternoon writing – heavenly!

another hummingbird that flew to the window as if to look in and say hi!

life is good, and I am grateful!

Life Circles

Finding everything I need to make a dish for supper

Getting where I was going when roads were closed.

Explaining my logic and person texts that they understand.

Going to Dr at wrong time but they take you anyhow.

Flexibility in everything! Prayers!

A little time to relax. Time to get things done.

Starting a book and knowing you’ll like it.

Finishing a book and being glad they were happy.

Checking in on a friend and wishing them healing. Having someone check in on ME.

Sometimes I feel like I’m going around in circles but I keep circling back to gratitude!

Today Is A Good Day

Choosing to be happy whatever that means giving up or grabbing onto.

Sunshine and cool temperatures. Summer slipping away but its not gone.

I can feel overwhelmed with all I have to do or face it bit by bit.

Dinner with friends tonight. We have known them for over 50 years.

Sipping on coffee and munching on granola.

Haiku written, Gratitude list almost done. Soon I’ll put a notice up for meal at Church.

Believing it will make it so. Have a good day!


Another Blessed Day!

  1. productive days
  2. moments and memories
  3. genuinely engaged and caring people
  4. trusting my process even when it’s cloudy where it all leads
  5.  home and family, they are my happy place
  6. letting a bad situation just be what it is without feeling the need to fix what it un-fixable
  7. acceptance
  8. inner peace and prayers at the end of the day
  9. a good day, thank you God