Category Archives: Gratitude

Bright Future

Gratitude journal

☀️ Grateful for the people whom i like their  company. Grateful for my parents ,we started to be friends with each other a long time ago ,adding new kind of intimacy to our relationship.
Grateful for my friends,the people i can rely on in bad times ,and can listen to me in good times . Grateful for my grandparents, grateful for the kind of conversations we have had ,their memories ,their childhood ,their struggles .

 Grateful for having a bright future ,no matter what it is holding for me . Grateful to be alive.

 Grateful for the people who influenced me along my life course . Grateful for novelists ,writers ,and philosophers,musicians, scientists .

Sunday’s Child is Full of Grace

  • sleeping in
  • a great cup of coffee to start my day.
  • a relaxing day just hubby and me
  • time, it seems like a little thing  to some but it’s really BIG
  • warm  Spring-like days in February that remind me that Spring is just around the corner
  • stillness
  • wisdom gained from tough lessons
  • a nice family visit day at my daughter’s new home yesterday
  • family, it’s everything
  • a beautiful day

Best Gift

Gratitude journal

Grateful for waking up today with a better feeling.

Grateful for the sound sleep i had last night .

Grateful for food and water  availability in my country . Grateful I can have as much food as i need .

Grateful for the ability to order food at my door step ,grateful for the people who deliver it .

Grateful  for the moments i laugh uncontrollably,and share this laugh with my friends or my family .

Grateful for the best gift i have received ..Music

Grateful for the invention of vehicles for giving me the opprtunity to  travel for long distances.

♦grateful for the ways my mobile phone makes my life easier . grateful for being able to connect to people in different countries . grateful for the ability to send and receive messages . Grateful for the ability to listen to music thriugh phone apps . Gratefuol for the abilty to watch movies  on my phone screen

➕Grateful for the things i use in a dailty basis . Grateful for my shoes ,my toothbrush ,my watch , my laptop,my refrigerator  .

March 1st

National Pig Day! Bacon, insulin and so much more.

Yesterday was National Tartar Sauce Day so went out for fish. Restaurant was almost empty so left a hefty tip. Be kind!

Day before was International Polar Bear Day. All my polar bears came out to spruce up the place. Memories of all those bears!

An old poster on this site, Lucy gave me a diorama of mother, babies and Eskimo.Love it!

National Fruit Smoothie Day today. Guess what I had for breakfast? (So happy they make it with apple juice as my tummy does’t like milk.)

Working on my Lenten project 40 days/40 bags. Have managed to get rid of a bag of stuff everyday.

Grateful for the sunshine.

Grateful for kids and grandkids so I wrote and told them why. Very fulfilling!

Wrote a note to myself. It was hard. But I’m grateful I did it.

Whatever you celebrate today do it with a grateful heart!

Fabulous Friday

  1. seeing the weekend just over the horizon
  2. surviving a hectic week
  3. 70 degree wether in February
  4. my amazing husband, he always  has my back
  5. the little things that bring me so much joy
  6. a dwindling “To Do List”
  7. incision healing and only minimal tenderness/pain
  8. the difference two weeks make
  9. love given and love received
  10. this beautiful day

1. Goddess

2. warm day

3. Saw yellow crocuses

4. A kind and helpful doctor

“I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”Wendell Berry, (via Liz Coleman)

2/7/2023- Tuesday Gratitude

  1. hot steaming coffee to begin my day
  2. beautiful sunshine and warmth that makes me long for Spring
  3. family always
  4. sitting with some difficult feelings until they passed
  5. incredible family and friends who have prayed, sent flowers and texts, dropped in to check on me and embraced me like always with love…they are a wonderful gift
  6. the slowness and ease that retirement has given my husband and our lives
  7. life, every second is amazing