Why complain about the weather?

Grateful today for:

1. Being able to read more posts of gratitude on this site.

2. Internet friends.

3. My dogs who always welcome you like you haven’t seen them for a long time.

4. Being able to sleep a bit longer, even after the alarm clock went off.

5. Having music from my Iphone while running.

6. Being able to run 18 km today (only 3 more for the half marathon).

7. The nice weather.

8. Something that just made me laugh on television.

9. This interview in a magazine titled “why complain about the weather?” It was about someone who never complained about the weather, even if she was soaked by the rain. When it rained when she was little she sometimes went swimming with her mother in the rain, while no one else was there and they had so much fun. In the winter they made snow mans with other kids in the block, then came into the warm house, and ate or drank something warm. She said “why complain?” Mist has something mysterious. When it is raining, you don’t have to get the garden hose to wash your car .

Very nice little interview.

10. Having fun with the dogs and some quality time with my dad while letting the dogs out.

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