Home Gratitude

There are so, so many things about our new home I’m grateful for. Here are a few:

  1. The leather chair the previous homeowners left here for us (it’s almost this one) which I’m using in my master bedroom reading nook :) (Thanks to my husband for hauling it upstairs for me)
  2. The covered porch, which runs the length of the house and is such a beautiful place to look through the trees, even from inside the house
  3. The hardwood floors throughout. No more vacuuming!
  4. The open bannister on the stairs and loft area. I found a great deal on garland after Christmas, and it looks so festive and homey.
  5. The loft area, which is where the bookshelves are- which means it’s a library :)
  6. The kitchen, which is so adorable and perfect I could write four lists on it alone
  7. “My” closet, which means I have my “own” closet, and it’s more like a little room!
  8. Our bedroom also has a little balcony. I’ve been in love with bedroom balconies since I was a little girl!
  9. The people who built this house loved French doors- there are four I can think of.
  10. Our little house nestled in the pine trees:) It feels like home.

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