♥ Sleeping In Sunday ♥ 1-20-13 ♥

I took my time with myself this morning – hubby was at work and the boys had spent the night with my parents – so I slept in some and used the rest of the morning to either meditate or think about where to go next and what to do. Surprisingly it was a peaceful morning.

Today I Am Grateful:

1) That I was blessed with the opportunity to sleep in, after the shock from last night I needed the time to heal from that wound a little…

2) That I took time this morning to meditate on where my path is headed next…

3) For some ideas that came out of those moments of meditation – now to figure out how to put them in motion…

4) For Faith – it’s not always easy to hold on to, but it is always the best thing to hold on to when all around you seems uncertain…

5) For dreams – because without them, life would truly be boring. Sure some dreams are just that, dreams that are pleasant to think about. But other dreams are signs from God about where you should be heading next. That’s where faith steps in and they work together to help get you where you need to be.

Only you can decide what is best for you, others are merely signposts on the path of life, you must choose your direction. ~ Unknown

About Chrissi

Inspiration is everywhere you look. ~ Me **~** scribo ergo sum **~** A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's computer. She told him she was writing a story. 'What's it about?' he asked. 'I don't know,' she replied. 'I can't read.' **~** I am a 40-something woman, happily married and a mother of two boys. I am a contributing writer for We Love Gratitude (formerly Good List Daily). I am a writer always looking for something to write. **~** I was the Social Media Assistant for JW's Designs, JW died suddenly in Sept. 2017. **~** I now work as a Hospice Massage Therapist and Death Doula.

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