♥ Wonderful Wednesday ♥ Season 7 / Day 96 ♥

Today I Am Grateful:

1: For Belle and her never-ending creativity and passion to share love and gratitude with everyone!!

2: For a new beginning here at We Love Gratitude!

3: To be looking forward to the challenge Belle hinted to!

4: That I have been taking care of my body all week so far and it’ s been feeding my spirit so much as well!!

5: For all the water I’ve been drinking – I feel so recharged and refreshed!! (Even if I do have to pee every hour!! LOL)

6: That hubby has been really supportive of what I’m working on for myself right now – Thank You Baby!! I Love You!!

7: For my Guardian Angels/Guides/Guardians/Totem Animals – they help me more than I realize some days – Thanks Everyone!!

8: That on 750words.com I only have 39,000 words left to reach the 100,000 word mark!! Wow!!

9: That I found some old work-out stuff I’d bought many years ago – I can finally put it to good use!! I’ve been happily playing with my resistance band and my free weights!! Sitting still watching a movie?? I was doing seated rows with my resistance band :-)

10: For having had a quiet morning all to myself – both boys at school and hubby out helping his parents…. I’ve had 2.5 hours of time just for me!! Watched a movie and listened to my meditations… most important – I signed up here at We Love Gratitude!!! <3

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Chrissi

Inspiration is everywhere you look. ~ Me **~** scribo ergo sum **~** A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's computer. She told him she was writing a story. 'What's it about?' he asked. 'I don't know,' she replied. 'I can't read.' **~** I am a 40-something woman, happily married and a mother of two boys. I am a contributing writer for We Love Gratitude (formerly Good List Daily). I am a writer always looking for something to write. **~** I was the Social Media Assistant for JW's Designs, JW died suddenly in Sept. 2017. **~** I now work as a Hospice Massage Therapist and Death Doula.

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