Mixed Monday

1.  Smell of the fresh air

2. People breaking out from the long winter

3.  Neighbors visiting on a golf cart

4.  A yellow corvette convertible

5.  birdies chirping

6.  green green grass, at last!!!  It’s been buried for many months

7.  Freedom gained from closet/clothes  purging

8.  Cheering for the young 21 yr old Irishman from Northern Ireland in the Masters knowing he’ll have other opportunities

9.  Missing my Unity pals

10.  So thankful for the gift of yet another day – thank you God; Blessings to all


4 thoughts on “Mixed Monday

  1. Rose, you’ve taught me such a valuable lesson with your lists. You often put “Missing ______” on your lists. The first time I saw that I thought, “why is she grateful to miss someone? Isn’t that sad?” But the lesson has slowly unfolded for me- missing someone means you love them, you have an incredible relationship with them, and their presence means something to you- and how could I be anything but grateful for that?

    1. This makes me think of a quote I have seen attributed to Carol Sobieski and Thomas Meehan from the movie “Annie” that says-

      “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

      I love that and I love how Rose reminds me of that on her lists. Thanks, Rose!

  2. I love a good closet/clothes purging so much that I might even be a little outta control -lol! Hey, how else are you gonna attract anything fresh if you don’t make room first?!
    Here’s hoping lots of wonderful, springy goodness comes rushing into your new-found space Rose! :)

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