Gratitude for Lucy Anne!

1.  I had a chance to spend time with Lucy Anne yesterday!  Hooray!

2.  Being with her is like being caught up in a wonderful force of nature — full of fun and wisdom, just like her lists.

3.  Walking around Hudson, laughing our way in and out of shops.

4.  Into Aladdin’s for lunch — darling twin girls in black and white polka dot dresses with hot pink leggings!  Oh my!

5.  So wonderful to have a long girlfriend lunch and then linger — food finished, words never!

6.  Didn’t we just find a high end consignment shop?

7.  Thank you Lucy Anne for being my clothes trying on buddy.

8.  I am just loving the pink, green, and yellow chenille type jacket with the hand painted buttons!

9.  Now I have my Easter outfit — a high dollar different look, for relatively low output and lots of fun!

10.  California may not know it yet, but it is hitting the jackpot with the arrival of Lucy Anne!

Thank you, Lucy Anne, for a fun girlfriend day!


One thought on “Gratitude for Lucy Anne!

  1. The next time you two Beautiful Souls get together, will you please do me a favor??? Will you give each other a hug from me?? LOL

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