
1. God

2. Kind wishes from Rose, Helen and MaryEllen

3. New attitude

4. Mastin’s The Daily Love, what I need to read and do

5. Diane inviting me to the stop smoking group at the hospital and the kind nurse who welcomed me there, because I will not move forward until I kick this addiction, so much is enmeshed in it, dishonesty, cutting me off from people, contributing to money problems, not to mention the smell, not to mention that it will kill me, not to mention that it interferes with my breath and my being present, and so on.

6. John C’s invitation

7. Talking to Alex at the bookstore, admiring his business and intellectual pursuits, and he has a killer smile

8.My father had a key for the kinder

9. A smile from a stranger

10. “in spite of that,we call this Friday good” TS Eliot, Burnt Norton

4 thoughts on “Reboot

  1. Read your first three and then commit to no smoke. I’ve slipped but will get back very soon.
    Cough drops help me!

  2. HI Garrett,
    You know, you can do whatever you choose, with passion. I feel it in your writing.
    Thank you for sharing. I am a former smoker so I can relate to all the negatives. No point in talking about them further. You will do what’s best for you, in your time.
    Love Rose

  3. thank you for the courageous list, Garrett. You wrote that so much is enmeshed in your smoking and I would gently offer that So much will be enmeshed in your non-smoking too, such as courage, healing, mindfulness, and ______ and _____ and ______ (blanks for you to fill in ) :)

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