Nothing new has changed

1. God

2. Cassie bought me an iPhone.  Love it!  Thank you, Cassie.  then the irony of finding this in my email this AM

3. Dinner at Charlene and Richard’s house.  They are good friends for many years and both ailing, it is sad.  The warmth of the evening on their patio.  Later, inside talking about gadgets and how people always seem “plugged in.”  Charlene remarked that the TV, phone and internet were always on in their house, except when they were reading books. “On my Kindle,” Richard remarked dryly.  A nice evening, thank you to our hosts.

4. This writing on the sacredness of everything by Marjory, reminding me it is about my intention, that life is not what I think it is, more, and that I am not who I think I am.

5. Our group, and Isabella, Mike, Sarah, John, Ellen and Chuck sharing their stories and a recurrent theme of causing pain to our children, across a continuum, and living differently now.

6. Riding with Isabella and getting aware of her situation and learning that we have much in common that I didn’t know about, even as we’ve known each other for several years.

7. Chocolate orgasms at Rosie’s (what can I say, it was calling me, once every decade is OK, right?)

8. Miles Davis

9. Huntley supporting me when I was at my lowest.

10. Lisa reminding me of what I do well.

11.  Reflecting on our conversation last night, at one point Richard said life is very different than ten years ago, maybe he was focusing on technology, and yet as I looked around the room, at the furniture, considered the house, the street, the city, the physical surroundings, much has not changed probably.  And I am still in the same body that has walked an ungraphable unmappable route, how many steps, how many times sitting, how many times lying down.  And a preacher said it more simply and succinctly than I ever could.

One thought on “Nothing new has changed

  1. Wow! Garrett, you sure have an amazing list today, full of interesting links, and everything! I love, love, love, my iPhone, but a human presence always trumps it. Can you tell me how you get links into a phrase or a word? — way cool!

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