what i can

When things feel out-of-control, I am grateful for what is in my ability to control:

1.)  if i respond with kindness
2.)  if i act instead of react
3.)  how i spend my time
4.)  how i spend my money
5.)  what kind of food and how much food i consume
6.)  if i take “that” phone call or let it go to voicemail
7.)  if i decide to take offense
8.) whether i take the time to enjoy tonight’s sunset
9.) if i stop and really listen

It is often between the lines and in the empty places where we hear God. ~Lonni Pratt, journalist

8 thoughts on “what i can

  1. I love this list, Helen! It’s so true, we decide whether or not to take offense. Beautiful reminder, thank you!

  2. thanks, Belle! this second of don miguel ruiz’s Four Agreements is one i
    struggle with: (don’t take anything personally)…appreciate the comment!

  3. Way to go, Helen. With your list, you have empowered all of us! Hooray! I believe wholeheartedly in the power of choice — even when times are rough, we still have lots of choices to make that can cushion us.

  4. Love this.. Its so great to remember that even when there are things that we feel are out of control… there are always a handful of things we CAN control!!!! Thank you!!!

  5. Thank you for your post!In keeping with your sentiments, I want to share that responsibility is the ability to respond! Also, Thanks for being so gentle with yourself!

  6. thank you Belle, Carmen, Carol, Kerilyn, and Shelley. I reflect the love and lessons learned from this supportive community. :)

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