Being Me!!!!

Yesterday, after reading Belle’s list it home for me. I have been feeling on the outside looking in a lot lately. I’m always there for my friends and family and I’m always positive when they need me, but when I have a bad day it’s not acceptable. I love the fact of embracing the un-likable me and today I’m going to love being me the good and bad parts. We all have our ups and downs, and 9 times out of 10 we’re not ready to open up immediately and say what’s wrong. I wish more people would understand that concept of the un-likable me.

  1. The color green makes me happy and I wear it everyday in some shape or form.
  2. My silliness when I’m in a silly mood.
  3. The Dallas Mavericks…Love me some Dirk!
  4. My co-worker and friend for bringing me breakfast this morning and our conversation yesterday about our un-likable selves. It’s hard to be friends and work together, but we have our good and bad moments. We move past them and we’ve been friends for a very long time.
  5. My therapist, starting therapy this week to work on being a better me and letting go of alot of pain.
  6. Adele and Fitz and the Tantrum’s new CDs they’re getting me through right now. Along w/Kirk Franklin’s ‘Smile’ and Brian Culbertson’s ‘Skies Wide Open’.
  7. Love, accepting someone at their worst and still loving them. I say this over and over to people in my life. If you can’t love someone at their worst, how are you going to love them at their best. You have to take the good w/the bad.
  8. Standing by someone and supporting them when they need you the most.
  9. Dancing and music help me release a lot of stress. Take the time to just dance around your living room and feel the tension and stress disappear.
  10. So You Think You Can Dance! Love this show! Dancing makes me happy and watching people and their stories play out through dance is amazingly beautiful.
  11. Lastly, being ‘Beautifully Broken’ I’m not perfect but I’m me and all the things above are who I am and what I believe in. I’ve decided I want this as one of my new tattoos. No one’s perfect and if we can all love ourselves for who we are, we’d all be a little bit better.
  12. Being Me and loving every


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