Monthly Archives: July 2011

Creative Cove Gratitude

1. Honoring that “funny feeling” when something isn’t right
2. When Spirit works everything for the best despite our great plans
3. An encouraging phone call (I need to make more of those)
4. Burning the candle that Rose gave me, which always makes me think of her
5. Magical mint tea
6. Watering the rose bushes
7. The satisfied feeling of writing again
8. Putting up white lights in the dining room, even though it’s July
9. Evening creative time
10. My creative cove

Catching up gratitude

1. God

2. Belle for writing even while she is busy

3. Alice for all her work

4. the kind people at the bank who sorted things out

5. Chris for taking David and Sam to the concert

6. Raffi for his patience (not the singer but a colleague)

7. Pamela for writing even though she is ill

8. Help

9. Soap

10. Clean water



Farm gratitude

1. God

2. John inviting us to the farm

3. John fixing the pool, swimming never better

4. Silence

5. Wide swath of land

6. Blueberries

7. Jean, who was kind to my children and me, invited me to her poetry workshop, encouraged my writing but I didn’t avail myself of her help nor show gratitude while she was among the living, and didn’t say goodbye.  RIP, Jean

8. Frank, whom I never met but because of his labors I enjoy this farm today and have for many summers.  His tree has grown to staggering dimensions.  Don’t know how he got the pool gardens to flourish. all my efforts have failed.

9. Cassie taking the heat

10. David enjoying the concert

11. Hannah flying to visit a friend, how grown up

12. Chris ungrudgingly providing the transportation

Vacation and Fairy Gratitudes

1.  Just got home from vacation at Ocean City last night

2.  Beach, pool, boardwalk — family, friends (especially Nate and Andrew — grandsons!)

3.  Rocking chairs, sunrises, making altered books with the boys, creating bracelets with beads

4.  Time with Tom to relax, be silly and romantic

5.  Time alone — oh my!

6.  Reading!  precious reading time!

7.  Found a bargain book store, and a bead store going out of business!  Wowee!

8.  This was the week of the Zentangle Fairyland Challenge at

9.  I got to be the guest Diva!  Hooray!

10.  If you click on the list of names, it will take you to the blogs of people who entered (some from around the world) — you will be in a fairy paradise of fairy rings, fairy ballrooms, fairy swings and more — delightful!  In a couple of weeks, there will be an even larger showing of entries in a slideshow, including people who entered by email.

sunday morning and some of yesterday’s gratitude

this morning i feel gratitude for:

1. me- got up at 6:30 and went to the pool to do excersizes for my knee.

2. me {again} for enjoying it and for feeling relaxed as if i was on the beach in thailand.

3. ruthi who advised me to come to the pool at an early hour- thanks!

4. a morning hug.

5. me for writing my thanks!

some gratitude for yesterday too:

1. me- for asking my mom to take the kids for a while so i can relax.

2. my mom watching over my kids yesterday and by that allowing me and ron to enjoy a quiet day for two.

3. ron for the great relaxing day we had.

4. an afternoon snooze.

5. ron building the mud oven in our garden. yesterday we tried it for the first time and it was beautiful!

6. my kids for going to bed nicely and sleeping well.

7. amit for getting us some yummy cookies…

8. me  for writing in my blog.


thanks for reading and hope your week is lovely!



Clean Gratitude

1. Cleaning
2. Moving furniture around
3. Planning for new decorations
4. Candles
5. Red, brown and gold
6. Pledge
7. The neat little lines the vacuum leaves
8. Clearing off surfaces
9. Inspiration design boards
10. “Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.” -George Bernard Shaw

A new day

1. God

2. Helen

3. Thought the sunflowers were dead but some are blooming quite nicely

4. Oliver calling out of concern

5. Encouragement from Carol L

6. The man who came to fix the library security gate in the hundred degree heat with no complaint and at not an insurmountable cost

7. Tina kindly buying me iced coffee

8. Paul’s kind words

9. Tom sharing a memory

10. Being reminded it’s a new day

Creative Spiritual Gratitude

1. I’m having so much fun tonight over at Creative Spiritual Women, I almost forgot to write my gratitude list!
2. Today felt stressful, but when I was in the middle of journalling about it and figuring it out, a miracle happened
3. Someone reached out to me and said she was having less-than-awesome day too. Connecting over it made it lighter for me (and hopefully her)
4. I was immediately inspired to work on the community part of CSW- where women can connect over things like this
5. Thanks to cool web programs, I was able to have the tech part up and running within an hour (seriously? unheard of)
6. It’s amazing how everything fits together when I’m honoring the Muses, the creative impulses, and not saying, “who, me? I can’t do that. Find someone better.”
7. A friend said to me today, “When are you going to write a book about being paperless?” (I’m doing an experiment this year- using no paper (or as little as possible) in 2011)
8. I love it when the muses speak through friends, so clear and easily understood
9. My totally stressful day turned into being inspired and productive- I have the community up, 1500 words written of my paperless book, and here I am, finishing my gratitude list
10. Thank you, Muses!

Thanksgiving Friday

I am giving thanks for:

 My life, for the person I am and the person I strive to be.

My job and the emotional rewards it brings to me.

My many blessings and those I have yet to receive.

My family and our love for each other even though we don’t always see eye to eye.

My money and how it allows me to have a better life for myself, my family and even those people I help through charity.

..expectant blessings..

  1. Joyful blessings of expectant parents!
  2. Not passing up the baby departments :)
  3. Appreciating receiving a lovely handwritten note
  4. James’ list and his “now”
  5. Wapiti camera straps
  6. Fresh fruits..peaches, mangos, kiwi, red grapes, strawberries
  7. Had a problem with our cell phone…
  8. …called 800# and got “Peggy” (have you seen the ad on tv?) ROFL…
  9. …”Peggy” was very helpful and our problem was resolved!
  10. “Anyone with a camera can make pictures of the extraordinary, but making extraordinary pictures of the ordinary is a measure of true talent.” -David Grubbs, Professional Photographer/Photojournalist