Monthly Archives: July 2011

Bright Pink Gratitude

1. Elle, who treated me to a “welcome to pregnancy pedicure” today!
2. I’m so, so blessed to have been out of the heat most of the day- it hit 100 degrees!
3. So grateful for all the men and women who do work in the heat to keep things running smoothly
4. Hibiscus in the front yard
5. Solar lights
6. The way the slightest breeze is welcome when it’s hot
7. Homemade chicken soup
8. Homemade everything
9. Vision boards
10. “All art is an attempt to map the territory of the heart.” -Julia Cameron, Walking in this World


1. Checking in and reading all the amazing lists…Wow!

2. Making new friends

3. Air conditioning

4. Planning a special project

5. Seeing my sweet boy learning and having fun

6. Leaving my options open

7. Giving

8. Taking time to really reflect

9. Healthy food

10. Love

Thankful for Second Chance

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude today – two weeks after my son’s horrible car accident and I brought him home from the hospital two hours ago. He is resting comfortably at home.

I’m thankful for:

  • the fact that he lived through the accident
  • that he will be able to walk again in a few months – the doctor said most who have his experience are paralyzed
  • the nurses, doctors and surgeons who have so skillfully cared for him
  • the therapists who have worked to teach him how to be sort of self sufficient
  • the smile on his face when he came through the door
  • the many friends, family and neighbors and customers who have reached out to help or offer up prayers
  • the fact that my son sees this as the second chance of life that it is
  • God – who has been there lifting me up and knitting Ben back together and providing strength to us both

Goin into Acceptance & Allowance

I came home (late) from work last night to find my significant other looking sorrowful on the couch. His cat hadn’t been feeling well and the vet visit cost a pretty large sum.  It all came rushing out…the overwhelm, the exhaustion, the frustration, how he’s not where he wants to be.  I listened. I held his hand. And I started telling him all that I am grateful for…which I am continuing here…

I appreciate his ability to open up about how he was truly feeling inside.  I am grateful for his authenticity.

I appreciate that I/him/we/you are not enslaved to repeat the patterns of the past.  That every day IS a new day. That real change can happen at any time. That blessings are around every corner and yes, right here NOW.  That the old belief that the world is against me and I’m on my own…is just that…an old belief. A belief I can change whenever I’m ready. The Truth is is that the same energy that created the stars, and the trees, and oceans, created Me. And I was created for joy and for variety of experience and to love and be loved.  And the “not-right-job” and “too-many-bills” can never stand in the way of that. They are temporary conditions. But the fact that Life is really, truly, always loving me and always on my side? That is permanent.

I appreciate that Bosco (the cat) is feeling better. He brings such love to us all. I appreciate the vet and nurses that helped him. I appreciate the consciousness in all of his cells that are working to bring his body back into perfect balance.

I appreciate that fun and adventure is not bound by the amount of money I have to spend, but my intentions and awareness in any given situation.  I can have fun at the grocery store. Trying a new food or drink can be an adventure. I appreciate when I am able to bring my intentions into my everyday life experiences and see newness where there used to be sameness.

I appreciate when I can get out of my head just long enough to see what I am missing out on. And remembering who I truly am.

I appreciate that I am in very good hands. And so is my Love. And our cats. And our friends and family. And then I appreciate the peace this gives me.

I appreciate accepting where I am and I appreciate allowing positive shifts, bringing greater opportunities and greater expression.  All is well.


Incredible Gratitude

1. Mark and I are expecting a little one!
2. We had a very encouraging ultrasound today where everything looks great
3. What’s even more fun- we’re expecting on Feb 13th!
4. Mark and I have a little bit of history on Valentine’s day;)
5. I’m so blessed to have so many amazing women around me
6. Elle, my dear friend and “adopted” mom, is my hand-holder, crazy-question answerer and my rock
7. What an incredible, creative time
8. We found a doctor that is superb
9. The presence that pregnancy brings
10. “It is said that the present is pregnant with the future.” -Voltaire

The Struggle

There are times when I struggle to remain in contact with the endless list of things to be grateful for.  I know they are always there, always with me, and yet, according to my “mood” or circumstances – I experience a barrier that keeps me from feeling them.  Today is one of those days.  So, today these are the things that I noticed and felt…

  1. Abby waking me up to remind me that I need to walk.
  2. The quiet moments in the morning, when I’m outside and can hear the birds singing all through the neighborhood.
  3. Cold watermelon for breakfast.
  4. Remembering, even in the face of the duldrums – to help someone else.
  5. Conversations with BJ.
  6. An unexpected invitation.
  7. The wealth of talent, skills, abilities and passion I witness from my co-workers.
  8. Getting this giant fly out of my office (ugh!)
  9. Yesterdays drumming circle demonstration – what fun we had!
  10. God


Today I am grateful,

  1. Hearing from a friend who had checked out for awhile,
  2. Knowing she is ok and confronting difficult circumstances
  3. The settled accomplished feeling of finishing a book
  4. Taking notes about the book to preserve the feelings of it a little longer
  5. Dyamond’s  post  about owning our truths and claiming our beauty
  6. An opportunity to listen to Amelia, my daughter (as they get older, they don’t seem to need as much)
  7. Receiving a letter in the mail, not a bill, or junk mail, but a letter
  8. Brightly colored summer fruits
  9. God is such an abundant Provider!

“Trying excessively to make a point with another may mean that we have not yet made that point with ourselves. I will concentrate today on accepting myself rather than trying to prove something about myself.” ~my friend Letisha

mid week gratitude list

today i am grateful for:

1. my physiotherapist- who said my knee is improving, and encouraged me.

2. my mom’s birthday who made me creative.

3. my big sister who reminds me to focus on the end result and not on the details.

4. me- i feel creative and i try to spread light and fairy dust all around.

5. me for also reminding myself by doing that to keep up my optimistic feeling.

6. my sick friend who’s better a little each day and who gave me a chance to be helpful and generous.

7. my little sister who i’m going to tomorrow and it brings me a smile just thinking of it.

8. to my dad’s wife who’s babysitting for us tomorrow so we can go visit my sister and hubby.

9. my dad and his wife for all the nice gifts they got my kids in the usa, especialy Buzz Lightyear, who’s making shachar so happy.

10. shachar for his imaginary games.

11. alma for just being her.

12. me for writing all of that.

13. you who are reading it.

have a great day!


Fluffy Clouds and Funny Jokes

Today I am grateful for:

Being on this side of the doldrums
Working in a quiet office (rare!)
Office air-conditioning
A funny joke in an email just at the right time
Big fluffy clouds in my view
The possibility of rain
Tacos with Tedra
Remembering when a bill was due before it became past-due
Laughter in the parking lot

Nothing gives a person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and
unruffled under all circumstances. ~Thomas Jefferson