Grateful…for things going & yes, for what is to come…

So I got some unexpected news that my overtime hours at my job are being cut…money I have greatly depended on for basic needs. But something unexpected happened inside me:  the fear in my gut was joined by other sensations that felt like relief & oddly enough, exhilaration…almost like I was being freed from a cage.

So, today, I give gratitude and appreciation, for what I have and have had, and for what is coming…

What I Appreciate About My Job

  1. The training I’ve received
  2. The interesting consultants I get to work with and how I’ve learned so much from them
  3. How my company has helped families and children for 27 years
  4. That my supervisor is the most compassionate person I have ever met and the many wonderful conversations we’ve had over the years on metaphysics, health, angels, faith, and Spirit.
  5. The window I get to look out of everyday.
  6. That the office is in a nice area of Montclair and close to cute shops and restaurants.
  7. I truly appreciate the money I make from both my salary and my overtime. I appreciate that I have been able to pay my mortgage and living expenses and to donate to my spiritual center & other causes I believe in. I appreciate every morsel of food this money has ever purchased and every gift for my sweetie, family and friends it made possible. I appreciate that the money allowed me to make a small investment in my friend’s film project/dream.  I appreciate the clothes it purchased and how it feeds my cats.
  8. I appreciate that change is always happening and I release this overtime income with love.
  9. I appreciate that the overtime hours I received allowed me to provide lots of extra support and services to my clients, who truly needed it…and it made a big difference for them.
  10. I appreciate that the Universe is conspiring in my favor!

What I Appreciate About What is to Come

  1. I appreciate the vacuum that has been created so the Universe can now fill it with income from what I truly love to do! For Practitioner and EFT sessions and writing and creating!
  2. I will appreciate having my time back. Time to talk to friends, time to beautify my home, time to breathe, time to take a nap, time to just BE.
  3. I appreciate making money doing what I really love and believe in.
  4. I appreciate taking a step out onto the invisible bridge and knowing it appears beneath me.
  5. I appreciate that no matter what, I am ok, and will always be ok. I am safe.




One thought on “Grateful…for things going & yes, for what is to come…

  1. Beautiful, beautiful list Kristen- you are right, the universe is creating a vacuum just for what you want to do!

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