And At Last a Rainy Morning

Very grateful for

  1. dreaming of the sound of a waterfall and waking to find it was raining!
  2. Pulling the covers up closer and just listening
  3. Saying “thank you, thank you, thank you” to God for the rain
  4. Hearing almost an exhaling sigh from the trees and grass and herbs
  5. Standing in the light rain in the yard
  6. Ruby lapping at the puddled water between the rocks
  7. Puddles!
  8. Finally cooler temperatures!
  9. Hearing the sound of car tires on the wet street in the front
  10. The staccato chirps of the birds!
  11. Imagine the day if I keep “for thou art with me” in my heart from dawn to dusk…chris shea

3 thoughts on “And At Last a Rainy Morning

  1. Helen, a beautiful! acknowledgement of rain appreciation! (When it rains at night I sleep really well.) Thank you for your lovely descriptive thoughts. Blessings, Jean

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