I never know

1. God

2. Snowplows

3. Melting

4. Breath

5. Kathy laughing in spite of sorrow and trouble

6. From Barrie, usually encounter Meyers-Briggs with respect to careers, but this is the clearest and most practical explanation I’ve seen on how to apply it to other areas of life

7. Country music

8.Ricky stands on his hind legs to join our circle

9. Belle teaching me it’s not what happens so much as the story I tell myself

10. And even thinking of that, depressed, feeling beaten down, go into a restaurant and order a veggie burger, I sit down at the counter and there’s this sign

Now the Garrett described here has an interesting story because he pursues a goal from youth and never loses sight of it and succeeds.

2 thoughts on “I never know

  1. How awesome that you went to that restaurant and there was the “Garrett” message. Even when we tell ourselves our stories, we can receive surprise messages that are encouraging and uplifting. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Garrett~your list is so powerful! Thank you for the lessons you share here…i think you also have a great story with pursuit of goals and tenacity and success…thank you for the blessing of your list!

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