Monthly Archives: January 2012

Sunday morning gratitude


1. God

2. Everything Cassie does and moreimportantly who she is

3. Reconnecting with j

4. Todd’s generosity in the midst of busy-ness

5. People sitting silently

6.heat fluctuations

Ella keeping me company on the sofa

Libby taking David to his music lessons

Spinach raw or cooked and other leafy greens


Friday the 13th gratitude

1. God

2. Kind concern from Belle and Christa

3. Libby flying out to help Chris

4. Chard

5. Getting to work safely in spite of the ice and slush

6. Donna for thinking of everything

7. Tina for taking the initiative

8. Being able to put my ego aside and ask for help

9. Audrey for being my friend

10. Helen for her faith and gratitude and making a decision and standing in it


Very grateful for~


digital hugs of support from Carol and Garrett and Jacqui

this Moment

still grateful for the um-pah-pah to Finally making the decision

pushing through the fear

finally making the decision—(can you tell this is big for me?)

an invitation to teach an online class the very same day!

as the fog lifts, I am getting a little bit better distinguishing my inner critic vs problem-solving

Amelia’s assertiveness and tenacity

Ultimately, to simply know we are not bound by any negative thought, and that by its nature (its negativity) it’s not true, we unleash the power of freedom. Practice applying this truth to all sorts of negative thoughts, from the very simple to the very frustrating and complex, and you’ll shine light where there was previously only darkness. ~Belle in this post


Grateful because of everything

1. God

2. Chris got out of the hospital

3. Kateri and Cameron picking him up

4. Cassie putting up food and getting groceries

5. Hannah and David being patient

6. A kind doctor we met this morning

7. As well as a kind nurse

8. And geneticist

9. Kind over matter

10. Abundance

11. Helen’s faith and willingness, remarkable, inspirational


“Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” -Mark Victor Hansen

Grateful today

That I know my thoughts become things.

That my eldest son is getting call backs from interviews, just need him to believe in being positive, the right job will happen.

Belief in myself

Belief in my family and all the love we share

Belief that money is coming to me, more than is outgoing.

Belief that each one of us posting is adding more positive vibes to our world allowing change for the betterment of all.


Reminder Gratitude

1. Exquisite reminders to always be love

2. The absolute peace and perfection in accepting and loving unconditionally everyone, just the way they are

3. Beauty in this moment

4. Our unfathomably intricate and unique paths which bring us to incredible places

5. The beauty of simple gratitude

6. The exquisite joy of letting go of all that is not Now

7. Love

8. Seing such palpable, undeniable beauty in every person

9. Honoring what Is

10. You. I honor your presence here, your precious eyes giving this attention, your Divine consciousness reading these words. Thank you for you!

Tuesday Gratitudes!

1.  Waking up listening to music

2.  Not going to book group — it’s a triumph to say no, when I have to catch up with work!

3.  Eggs — once over easy with wheat toast

4.  The Global Coherence Initiative which is about good energies of the heart like loving compassion — for yourself and the world!

5.  An amazing email from an AmeriCorps volunteer in Minnesota who is going to try to help 5,400 returning veterans coming home in May

6.  My Zentangle a day calendar — four days behind, but with high hopes of catching up!

7.  Had a jammer (pajama) day for 1/2 the day yesterday — hooray!

8.  Email from my friend John — we’re as different as night and day, isn’t that wonderful?

9.  Grateful for gratitude, and this place of community.  My life is definitely much better when there is a good flow of gratitude in it.

10.  My bumper sticker says — Gratitude is the Best Therapy


taking out the nails

Very grateful for~

God’s perfect will
pretty pictures of paths
neighbor Eddie, schelping Ruby back to the house in the rain when she made a break for it

the folks at Discount Tire, who pulled the nails out of my tires, rotated them and did not charge me, and then had to repeat the process an hour later when i garnered another shiny, silver nail.

Pepperidge Farm cookies
the possibility of snow
tortellini soup
the smell of fires warming the insides of neighbors’ houses
admitting it

What you notice becomes your life. ~ Michael Chitwood