Grateful for Babies, Especially Ava!

1.  Congratulations to Belle’s happy family upon the arrival of the delightful and amazing Ava!

2.  Babies are the ultimate gratitude generators.

3.  Looking in a baby’s face is a miracle.

4.  When a baby smiles at you, blessings abound!

5.  I believe that babies know all the secrets of life — they just don’t have the words to tell us quite yet.

6.  If only we could understand whey they are trying to say when they make their first efforts at speech — goo goo ga ga!

7.  Their fingers and toes are awesome works of art to be closely observed and photographed often.

8.  As they reveal their personalities, it is incredible to be be included in their circle!

9.  Every little accomplishment is a major landmark of wonderment!

10.  We were all babies once — and hopefully we were loved as much as we deserved!  If not, it is us to us to surround ourselves with love now — and bestow it often, also!

Hooray for babies and love!

2 thoughts on “Grateful for Babies, Especially Ava!

  1. Hi Carol! You did it again…a wordmaster of what babies are about…so many lovely and true messages. Thank you. *hugs* Jean

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