Monthly Archives: March 2012

1. God

2. Cassie for retrieving my car

3. Nancy for helping

4. Angela for her work and new opportunity

5. Rachel for helping Hannah

6. Jack, Mike W’s cat, greeting me

7. Practicing holding my head high per Erin’s instructions

8. A convenient post office

9. Willingness

10. Belle’s wisdom


  1. The middle of the night
  2. Hydrating
  3. New smoothie recipes to stay fueled
  4. My incredible husband
  5. Sleep, when it’s available
  6. Real-life reminders not to take things for granted
  7. Sunny days
  8. Growing as my little girl does
  9. Ease
  10. This moment



Very Grateful for~

God’s love
Children playing in the park
being able to read
hot water
yesterday’s list was #165~!!
grateful for 1485 things/people/blessings!
he wonderful people here at We Love Gratitude (and previously at Good List Daily) who are committed to gratefulness

And Belle who had the vision!!!

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Lights out

1. God

2. John C. gave me something that was given to him

3. Bill G. brought cupcakes

4. The guys gave me a card

5. The lights went out and Bill lit candles

6. Massive fire at a hotel in Boston, streets blocked off, couldn’t drive my car, grateful that a taxi appeared and took me home

7. People were stuck in restaurants and buses were organized to transport them elsewhere

8. Cassie made me a sandwich and told me to shut up

9. Talking with Carol L

10. Danielle’s gratitude

11. Bob telling me I’m the greatest,  thanks Bob, I think I helped a little bit :), not as much as you helped me

12. Tim, a helpful man from the city, answering my questions online this AM

Tortillas and Taxes

Very Grateful for~

God’s wisdom
Fresh tortillas
The nice young man in the Rosa’s Drive Thru who gave me an extra dozen fresh tortillas
The whole concept of checking out library books
The white buds on my front yard tree blowing down with the wind…flower snow!Encouragement from Dr. Fletcher
And fond memories of a previous boss
My 455th blog post
Finally dropping off the tax data…whew!

Remember to look up at the stars, and not down to your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up. ~Stephen Hawking

1, God

2, Mary Lynn, a fighter

3. And how much she loves Danielle her daughter

4. And the opportunity to meet Mary Lynn, and how welcoming and open hearted she is

5. And our neighbors, lost their cat, brought us cat food, which ours will devour quickly

6. “Give me cornbread when I’m hungry” (couldn’t find the original, so this cover will do, also quite fond of cornbread)

7. Betsy dropping by to ask how everyone is

8. The Broken Hourglass by James Blackshaw, really enjoying this right now

9. Spring day with little if any wind

10. Safe travels

You Gratitude

  1. Joyous gratitude
  2. Rain
  3. My little one growing exceptionally
  4. Garrett’s and Helen’s and Jean’s gratitude lists- I peek on the site throughout the day and am buoyed by your gratitude
  5. Exceptional happiness
  6. Energy
  7. Ideas
  8. Love
  9.  This moment
  10. You ;)

road trip

  1. Daylight savings time…love the extra light as spring moves in
  2. Organic apples, sliced and packaged
  3. Home grown wheatgrass, juiced and soooo good for you
  4. Cathy’s “1,000 Vegan Recipes”
  5. Having all ingredients on hand for a new recipe
  6. The person I talked with at the bank also makes a daily gratitude list…a lot of good energy circulating!
  7. Road trip with Cathy…beautiful summer-like day
  8. Shopping in the BX at the Air Force base..and feeling so safe
  9. Getting GPa a new U.S. Air Force cap
  10. Beautiful rivers and gorgeous canyon on our trip…saw a fly fisherman and others fishing from a boat.

1. God

2. Spring

3. Ella came home (she was stuck in the neighbor’s basement)

4. Chimes

5. Outdoor seating

6. Bob S.

7. John R.


9. Cassie grooming the pussycats

10. Chatting with Marilyn