Monthly Archives: March 2012

1. God

2. Everyone home from the hospital.  OK. let’s stay out of hospitals

3. Nancy for filling in and Tina for enduring

4. Rachel’s shaggy dog keeping me company in the waiting room

5. Kind words from Helen and Jean

6. John’s concern

7. And Maureen

8. Tulips

9. Gratitude

10. Time to breathe

The Others

Very Grateful for~

God’s attentiveness
A day honoring dad and the radio station
Dad’s health held up
Dr. Hunter
Billye Proctor Shaw
The donors who contributed to and met the fundraising goal
Irish soda bread
A post called “A Remembering

All happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy. All misery comes from the desire for oneself to be happy~ Shantideva

Hospital gratitude

1. God

2. Hannah and Cassie in the hospital, different circumstances, different hospitals, good care, grateful

3. Elevators

4. Wheelchairs

5. Even though we have to wait

6. Hannah thinking quickly in spite of grogginess

7. Talking it over with Mike

8. John D. stepping in for me

9.  A nice trip to Rhode Island and working with a great group of people

10. Being there

11. Paying an obligation

Good Samaritans

Very Grateful for~

God’s escape plans
The Good Samaritan that offered Ruby and I a ride as we were being followed by an angry pit bull
The fire department and ambulance guys who arrived as a many-numbered team but work together
Dr. Lenhert in the ER who examined Dad’s bleeding hand so tenderly
Carolyn, the nurse, who patiently explained things many times until I understood
Dad, who despite pain and bleeding, still did bits of his old stand-up routine because he said, “I had an audience and your mother didn’t have any cake.”
Getting through a tough night
Not resorting to being cranky when I was sleep-deprived

Use the difficulties in your life to increase your ability to love.

Little Hands

1. Learning more about my little girl everyday
2. Watching others love her and interact with her
3. The sound she makes when she’s just about asleep
4. Her breath
5. Her little hands, which are getting stronger and grabbing more
6. The way my life has become a wholehearted servant to hers (in the best possible way)
7. Not being able to have her out of my sight for long
8. The way hours pass when holding her
9. Her little smiles (debatably actual smiles this early) after she’s just fallen asleep
10. Every moment with her

man power

  1. Garrett’s “girl power and woman power” reminds me of the man power in my life, all the wonderful men who are good, kind, the best!
  2. Cali’s birthday…Happy Birthday to all who have birthdays today!
  3. The “little darlin’s” on GPa’s school bus and their wonderful innocence of the world around them.
  4. Pepper’s bountiful energy, especially in chasing her tennis balls.
  5. LOL…My comfortable faded blue jeans with the worn patches and holes on the legs…planned to throw them away until someone told me similar looking $400. jeans are in the shops on Rodeo Dr. in L.A….I might keep them for awhile! ROFL!
  6. Being able to talk to a live person when I had a question at our bank…a really nice person!
  7. Our snowbird neighbors coming back home from AZ a month early this year.
  8. Another neighbor finished with her chemo, is feeling great, and couldn’t wait to grab her car keys and head down the road again!
  9. Taxes finished and sent :)
  10. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.

1. God

2. Betsy’s sound advice

3. As well as Cassie’s

4. Jean’s image of the shield

5. Kind words from Julie

6.  and from Helen

7. Encouragement from Barrie …

8. and from Erin

9. My body loves me more than I love it?  Where did I read that? But if I think of a fraction of all the cellular processes and all the healing and growth that goes on, it must be true

10. Girl power and Woman power

1. God

2. Not being hit from behind on the highway, the truck driver who had the instincts to swerve around me

3. Nancy’s knowledge and interest in historic preservation

4. Tina’s resourcefulness

5. Emily making progress

6. Belle’s kind words

7. Helen’s kind words

8.  Breaking many fasts

9. Cassie making oatmeal in the crock pot

10. A group photograph

Late-night Gratitude

1. Garrett’s kind post
2. Devices that allow you to type with your thumb
3. The face of a sleeping child
4. Figuring out what she wants and needs
5. The way every mother does it differently, perfectly
6. The mindfulness of motherhood
7. Snow, when we thought winter was over
8. Bundling up for three
9. The meditation of folding diapers
10. Being here now

you never know when

Very Grateful for ~

God’s protection
Anne who says, “Rejection is God’s Protection”
Donna’s opportunity
for that it is never as bad as it could be
Amelia and her choice of movies
the wonderful movie “Hugo”
Zonker who just shows up, you never know when, and mows the grass

Deserts enrich our lives immeasurably. Each desert holds seeds of repentance, possibilities of recognizing how mixed our motives really are. And with the rain of grace, each desert holds the possibility of our reclaiming our heart’s true desire.~Gerald May