Monthly Archives: June 2012

approaching the net

Very Grateful for~
God’s patience
a cool morning to play tennis (but not for long)
screaming/laughing loudly/clapping and no one shushes me/us
and i don’t shush them
approaching the net
knowing Nancy is having fun in Scotland
Happy Father’s Day to the dads, and the single moms who serve also as dads, and the married moms who as my friend said, “serve as if we were single parents.”

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. ~ George Herbert

Everything’s ok

  1. Not buying into the story of “not enough time,” even though sometimes my mind/ego wants to
  2. Ignoring emails (when I do this consciously, as in “I’m ignoring that email,” it feels soo good)
  3. Letting things be messy, “wrong”, wild, unhappy, less-than, and human
  4. Learning to listen
  5. My husband’s wisdom
  6. Not walking with fear
  7. The way having kids is like watching your heart walk around outside your body (hmmm…and this is on my good list?)
  8. Peace anyway
  9. Love anyway
  10. This moment, when everything’s ok

Yoga Bares

Very Grateful for~

God’s masterpieces
being the lamest person in the beginner’s yoga class (because there is nowhere to go but up)
the realization that I have surrounded myself into activities that I am accomplished at and that I know and I have not left much room for new things to
learn/do…until now…
relaxing into a pose…and how long that takes me to do this
deep breaths…I can do these right off the bat!
when the 10-count hold is over
the patience of my instructors
cushion props
hearing that I should not press for too much at first or get discouraged because “it took a long time to get this way”
cucumber water

“Gratefulness and simple living go hand in hand. When we are grateful, we appreciate life’s free gifts: friendship and solitude; movement and rest; Nature’s bounty and her spare winter introversion; our own alternating sonata movements of joy, sorrow, and joy’s resurgence. Through this appreciation, we find contentment.” ~ Unknown

1. God

2. Blue sky

3. Cats with smooth fur

4. Closeness

5. Cassie’s practicality

6. Chris’s sincerity

7. Recipes via the internet

8. Flame

9. Zuchinni

10. Onion sauce, onion sauce (or maybe relish)


  • Appreciating this beautiful warm sunny day!
  • Oranges, apricots, grapes, watermelon
  • Chipotle black bean “burgers”
  • Pepper’s new rawhide chewy
  • A girl who had jewelry pierced in her nose, ears, cheeks and lips…ouch?
  • Entrepreneurial adventures…business wisdom
  • A WallaWalla wedding
  • Want to buy a town?  Pray, Montana, is for sale for $1.4million! :)
  • How the joy of laughter heals!
  • “And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, Books in running brooks, Sermons in stones, and Good in Everything.”  -Shakespeare

untangling the nots

Very Grateful for~
God’s Victories
deciding not to move on to the next thing, but just staying with the miracle of Amelia’s job in this economy and this town
not rewriting again…just sending in the writing sample before I had overwritten it to death
This post and idea by Cara Stein~”When you let people see your real self, you suddenly lose a huge worry.”
little cheese sticks
Carl’s long-term ministry service
stuff to give away
Not having a tarantula in our garage

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. God

2. Helen and Amelia’s good news

3. Dinner with my parents

4. Their reminiscence of times before I was born, I could identify with what they went through

5. Though I didn’t know the street I grew up was once a dirt road and the kids were disappointed when it was paved because they liked to go through the mud

6. And that there is nothing new under the sun

7. The Meters on You Tube

8. Betsy

9. Karen’s inspirational posters

10. Ode magazine arriving in the mail


answered prayers

Very Grateful for~
God’s answering prayers
Amelia, continuing to plug away at her job search
and, showing up and suiting out for a group interview

And getting the job!
The 8th grade English teaching job that will be hers

The relief!
The smiles on her face
Feeling her hug back!
The kind, super kind remarks from friends when I shared the news
The brownie sundae from the manager at Chilis!

Practice gratitude to God to practice your Faith in God. ~Ann Voskamp