Monthly Archives: October 2012

Poems and Rest

Very Grateful for ~

God’s rest


Cleaning out another cabinet and finding a really pretty serving bowl that I didn’t remember (!)

Old reruns of Frazier

This poem “Gift

This poem “A Prayer Among Friends

Revisiting this poem and picture

Rereading this poem “Turning

The life of Ginny Riggs

It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
(fill in your own word in the underline)

1. God

2. Water

3. Wood

4. Generations

5. Five fingers

6. Everything Cassie does

7. Surprise of a cat coming to visit

8. A copy of Belle’s and Mayra’s book Nighttime Trip to Planet Nuf

9. Warm enough to sit outside yesterday evening

10. heating ventilation and refrigeration


  1. Having more accomplishments than I realized
  2. Billie Holiday
  3. Hot potato soup on a cold day
  4. Driving the new car, after driving the Jeep, feels like driving a rollerskate
  5. As I write this, Ava is tearing all the books off her bookshelf, one by one
  6. She is so darn cute
  7. Working on illustrated characters for a children’s book collaboration
  8. Going to a birthday party outside, in autumn
  9. Women who are changing the world
  10. This

A sky with no clouds not one single cloud

Very Grateful for ~

God’s artistry

A sky with no clouds, not one single cloud

Virus software

45 degrees yesterday morning!

Mom, out of the hospital

Dad’s continuing contented spirit

Allen’s Stone music

Brussels sprouts

Mr. Jayden’s 11th birthday

      Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ~Helen Keller

1. God

2. Police car blocking flooded road, happy not to have driven through that

3. People who set up the tent and tables

4. Dolores, cheerful

5. Accepting imperfection

6. Manageable load of things to carry

7. And taking enough time

8. Cassie ironing

9. Sunlight

10. Any time of day

The Fullness

  1. Not having to wait in line at the DMV
  2. Great news from the planning department
  3. Saying no when I need to
  4. Introspection
  5. Self-care
  6. Drawing
  7. A long walk with Ava
  8. Broth
  9. Good signs
  10. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. -Melody Beattie

1. God

2. Maureen

3. And Eva, her guest from Austria

4. Encountering Brian in a strange neighborhood

5. Lack of traffic

6. Knowing where I need to go

7. Counselors

8. Hannah telling me what’s going on

9. “Still sad music of humanity”

10. Silent music


Very Grateful for ~

God’s patience
The mirror-like reflection on the lake
Mr. H. and the work he does restoring the 1959 cream-colored convertible
Ice cubes
The plumber, who took home-made cookies instead of leaving a bill
E. and M.’s new truck
Conversations with Dad
This blog post: 11 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Sensitivity

Anger makes us sick and weak and bound and the therapy is in the thanks.
Thanks therapy is God’s prescription for joy. ~Ann Voskamp

1. God

2. Seeing a hawk in the sky

3. Debbie graciously accepting my apology

4. Hints from Dolores

5. Jack taking time to write the questions

6. David completing school work and succeeding

7. Anne helping us with the referral

8. Times when Cassie doesn’t waste time

9. Then Cassie gave me an idea

10. The ice cream store