Monthly Archives: October 2012

Animal lessons

  • GPa’s homemade noodles
  • The smiles on the ladies’ faces after the gathering of Look Life Coach Mondays
  • My sil and I reviewing some of his pictures from his last tour in the midEast…the high mountains in Afghanistan and the “red” desert…and opulent Dubai…awesome!
  • Our neighbor’s adorable rabbit and new kitten…they sleep together and play together!  We humans need to take lessons from them.
  • Studded snow tires…it’s time :)
  • Sally…that’s what I named all of my dolls…have no idea why :)
  • Moose Frozen Yogurt
  • County earthquake drill
  • Protection and Peace
  • The special Bible that my daughter, sil, and granddaughter gave me many years ago…has been and is a part of my day, each day.

Gaping Life

  1. “Any given moment-no matter how casual, how ordinary-is poised, full of gaping life.”  ― Anne Michaels
  2. Profound understanding- truly, the way we perceive the world to be is how we are
  3. Learning on new levels
  4. Compassion for a friend
  5. Looking up while walking under trees clothed in fall leaves
  6. A patience that surpasses my own ego’s limitations
  7. Returning home
  8. When home is within
  9. Self-compassion
  10. This gift of now


1. A little girl walking home from school and upon seeing her dad up the road calls out to him, “Pappa! Hello Pappa!”

2. The glimmer of hope in a teen’s eyes who just watched two hours of a movie about a famous bull rider, aspiring the same for himself.

3. The angel of the Lord who is encamped around us.

4. God’s promises for our future.

5. The blessings that come with obedience to the Word of God.

6. John Osteen and his victory filled sermons on YouTube. Even though he is no longer on this earth, his sermons continue to bless many. Glory to God.

7. The peace that comes with settling in the heart that God’s Word is true.

8. Coming to the understanding that everything really is orchestrated by God.

9. Inner knowing of God’s perfect plan and how He uses pain to get those of us who are rebellious on His path to blessings and peace.

10. The realization that everything in my life right now is the result of God’s love for me.

11. Peace.

1. God

2. Dan M. visited me in the hospital a couple of years ago and brought me spiritual books to read

3. Likewise Dr. David, bringing apples, and I told him one of these every eight hours would keep three of him away

4. This post from Lindsey just warms my heart

5. And I wish I would have said this more when I was younger, if not now

6. Warm fall day

7. Kind words from Jeanette

8. Cassie making pea soup in the crockpot (and bread which she said came out looking like a “crouton”)

9. Curiosity

10. Accepting slow movements

Bulk Gratitude

  1. Briefly meeting a guy who’s moving to Indonesia Friday to teach ESL
  2. Meeting a family who spoke Russian primarily-  the man would get flustered and tell his wife, in Russian, what to say to us
  3. All the amazing people in this world
  4. What would it be like if we all came together in support of one tiny thing? What would that look like?
  5. The power of paying attention
  6. My patient husband
  7. I’m so grateful that not only do I have an amazing husband, but Ava has an amazing dad
  8. Mini digital retreats
  9. Finding out I can take my own containers to the grocery store for the bulk bins, to avoid using plastic bags
  10. This. Everything right here, right now.


1. Time for prayer.

2. Time for Bible reading.

3. Time for reflection.

4. Time for healing.

5. Time for planning.

6. Time for flowing in God’s Spirit.

7. Time for quietness.

8. Time to hope.

9. Time to trust.

10. Time to receive.

11. Time to give.


  1. Love
  2. Loving as many people as I can
  3. Being love
  4. Sending love to strangers
  5. Our interconnectedness
  6. Exhaling
  7. Practicing love with those around me
  8. Finding new ways to show love
  9. Unconditional love
  10. This moment

time, attention, and pumpkins

Very Grateful for ~

God’s patience

the valuable gift of someone’s time and attention

Dad’s resilience


saying “no” when I was tired

not attending that argument, not giving it fuel

beginning to jog again

playing tug-of-war with Ruby


Who, being loved, is poor? ~Oscar Wilde


1. God

2. Cassie doing a needful thing

3. Emily a good sister

4. Cultida and Oliver and their lovely granddaughter inviting us into their home

5. Once again, Bob asking me for help helps me help myself

6. Lightness

7.Uninterrupted sleep

8. Stopping

9. Eric for helping out

10. Eyesight