A phrase can do anything

1. Snow-dusted tops of the Sierras- majestic backdrop of a drive to here and there

2. Ability to read, to write, to think, to walk

3. Ideas- tumbling around, tumbling together, tumbling out

4. The way very small and simple self-care rituals transform everything

5. Someone who gently presses a palm to your heart when you’ve woken in a curious funk, and calmly whispers, “Wait. Start over. Breathe. Fill up with good before you go.”

6. Hot air balloons over undulating mist-seas and sunflowers arching and reaching

7. Power of articulation

8. Depth of vagueness

9. Unrivaled freshness of a river- babbling and singing and calling from uncanny distances

10. Feeling that stuff stir inside you again, unseen and abstract, yet somehow pourable, splashable, golden and glowing, danceable, alive…  You know the stuff.

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