Magic & pirates

  1. Mary Ellen posting again!
  2. Today while putting groceries in the trunk of the car, with my daughter on one hip, an ominous-looking black car pulled RIGHT up behind me, and the male driver, who had a black eye patch (I kid you not!) says “Excuse me…your daughter dropped this.” And handed me her shoe!
  3. I live in a magic pine forest and pirates RETURN booty…we are truly blessed!
  4. I baked a snack for my husband before I left for yoga, thinking I would put it in his lunchbox for dinner…and there was no sign of it when I got home! (I think he liked it)
  5. We did full, friend-supported handstands in teacher training today, what fun!
  6. I am profoundly touched by Ruth’s blog. What love.
  7. My friend Julie and her amazing posse of girls (her daughter and friends) and their love for my daughter
  8. The way Julie has taught me more about yoga just by living than I could ever read in a book
  9. Community
  10. Love

2 thoughts on “Magic & pirates

  1. thank you for sharing the link to Ruth’s blog, Crystal…Ruth is brave! I am forwarding her blog post to a Hospice nurse I know so Ruth’s influence will spread to Texas!

  2. I LOVE the pirate story! Ava, just being Ava, will always fill your life with love and magic! Thank you for sharing my blog! Love flows from you so easily and warms and brightens everything and everyone it touches! In gratitude for our deep connection!

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