
1. Reflecting on the changes that have led me back to this site and the need to be grateful.

2. Reflections of the friends I have had ripple through my mind. Smiles and hugs and always laughter.

3. Reflecting on my incredible Aunt Lib who died in April. S he encouraged me not be afraid but to meet the challenge no matter how far out of my comfort zone it was. I wrote a poem a few years ago  about how she encouraged me to climb an apple tree.

4. Reflecting on the things I’ve done this year that have amazed (and amused) me. I sang tenor in the church choir! She who sings prays twice!

5. Reflecting on my challenge of the the summer. I’m going to be in a play in August ,one line ,four songs and four appearances on stage.

6. On reflection I know I need to get in shape before the play. Promises and resolutions and a challenge to the cast to walk with me.

7. Quiet reflection as I walk 1.4 miles alone with my thoughts  in my get fit plan.Birds sing-geese swim!

8. Creative reflection as I walked with a cast member’s husband this Saturday. We need to listen to each other!

9. Reflections on who I thought I’d be and who I am and being more than satisfied.

10. Reflections on the regrets in my life and realizing the are just shimmery possibilities and are not reality anymore than a mirage.

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

2 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. What a wonderful list! Reflecting is such an important process! I’m so glad you’re back!!! May all your reflections lead you to the perfect course of action to reach all of your goals!!! I’m cheerin’ for you!

  2. Wow wow wow. This whole list is terrific. #9 and #10 really touched me. You are an amazing light and I am so blessed to know you!

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