Simple Pleasures

The joy of being able to do simple everyday things:  making a pot of coffee, walking through our home, folding clothes, washing dishes, getting dressed, making a pasta salad…  Each simple everyday task is a blessing!

Brunch and grocery shopping with Kari, my youngest.  She’s been working so many hours and I miss seeing her.  We talked and laughed and enjoyed a treat from the bakery together.  My heart is full and overflowing with love for Kari, always.

Yesterday afternoon, Kari and I created Zentangles together.  (Thank you, Carol!)  Creating art has always been one of our favorite together-time activities.  Painting, sketching, Zentangling, making all kinds of things with Sculpy clay, jewelry making, beading.  It was always a time for us to talk and laugh and use our best creativity and imagination.

I love when David barbecues.  I told him that I would like for him to make something on the grill for me again, so of course, he did it right away.  I smiled as I prepared the pasta salad and the fruit and the veggies, knowing that he was at the grill taking care of that part of the meal.  And what a lovely and delicious meal it was.  Sharing a meal together, especially one that we prepared together is one of my favorite things.

Anticipating with joy, the upcoming arrival of my dear sister-in-law, Barbara.  She’s flying in from Hawaii to spend a few weeks here with us, and I can’t wait!  I know that will be another bittersweet time, but I think the joy and love will far outweigh the sadness.

My brother, Gary, and my sister, Faun, call me frequently, although they are always concerned they’re bothering me.  I tell them that they NEVER bother me.  I hear their unique ring-tones and see their name pop up on my phone and almost jump out of chair to find the spot with the best signal reception in our house, excitedly saying, “It’s Faun!” or “Gary!”  It’s like opening a beautiful present!

The kindness, generosity, caring, loving and joyful gift of my friend, Mary.  She is always upbeat and smiling and laughing, and offers me so many simple things that make me feel that healing is not only possible, but happening.  And I remember that healing can take many forms, and I am grateful for all of them, and of course, for Mary!

Today is the 6 year anniversary of the death of my oldest brother, Gene.  He was 20 years older than me, and it took us awhile to find the deep connection that was always there.  I learned so much from him, and he helped me in more ways than I can ever recount.  He had 5 wonderful sons, and each of them have so many of his good qualities.  When he died, I had to write, just as I have to write now.  I want everyone to know what an amazing and good and loving man he was.  I am so grateful for his presence in my life.   A Lifetime of Teaching

Kylia will be her with us for 3 days in a row!  What a joy that is!  We want to make the most of every minute!

Really looking forward to Sunday, when I will have the opportunity to see so many of my favorite homeschooling families.  My closest and dearest friends felt that I would be overwhelmed by too many people wanting to come visit, so they planned a picnic and invited as many people as they could think of to come to a park, where we will focus solely on reconnecting, happy memories and hugs and laughter!  I already know there will be tears, but we all need to cry at times, so that we can laugh the next time.  I’m hoping that some of the families will bring pictures that I can take home with me, so that I can create a montage in our bedroom where I will be spending a lot of time.  I love seeing everyone’s faces. They are all “my family.”

I am so grateful that our bedroom is a huge, airy room with such a lovely view and a deck, where I can get fresh air, and I can look about me and see all the reminders of our marriage which took place in the family room, which became our bedroom.  Another bittersweet gift.

What are your simple pleasures?  Embrace them!

About Ruth

I am married to Dave, my long lost love. We have 3 beautiful, wonderful daughters, and a home filled with peace and joy! I began writing gratitude lists about 15 years ago, and they have made a huge difference in my life. By taking the time to notice all the amazing goodness in my life, I open myself to receiving even more good. I've also found many new and wonderful friends through the gratitude community.

4 thoughts on “Simple Pleasures

  1. Visiting each window first thing in the morning to open the blinds and let the first sunshine in. Flossing my teeth (feels so clean afterward!). Arranging the stuffed animals on our bed after it’s made (by David on many lucky days -lol). Cataloging our receipts in the expense file on excel (keeping track gives peace of mind). Checking “We Love Gratitude”- clicking that little heart icon in my bookmark bar and waiting for the page to load feels the way you described hearing those special ringtones feels… like opening a beautiful present.

    Thank you, Ruth.

  2. Love to you as you remember your brother. My brother passed away 8 years ago and the anniversary was recently — it’s tough. I appreciate all your writing and I got so hungry when you were describing your meal with Dave that I got the pasta salad out of the refrigerator and chowed down!

  3. My favorite everyday simple thing to do is to hang clothes on the line to dry. I get so excited when I can do this the first time in the spring. I love the way the clothes look blowing in the breeze high up in the air, and the colors of the clothes against the color of the grass. I often group the clothes on the line so my favorite colors are together! I feel so accomplished! It’s always the little things that make the day good.

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