
1. Going with the flow as plans keep changing…I think we’ve got it, now! :)

2. Trying to be smooth and take a sneaky picture of the mailman to send to his daughter…I wasn’t able to get one, but I did amuse myself. Lol

3. Oh man…I picked a ton of broccoli from the garden. I tried freezing it for the first time. It’s so exciting to grow food!
4. My sweet dog loves broccoli and enjoyed eating it fresh from the garden…My husband reminded me about the time I fed her snap peas from the garden and how after that she would pick them and eat them. I thought it was cute, but he didn’t!

5. My mom is coming to pick strawberries and make jam. We don’t grow our own strawberries, but there is a plan in the works…

6. Getting messages from people who saw my work and are interested in getting some for themselves…How exciting!

7. My husband…Learning and growing <3

8. Living close to the nicest park in our area…It's soon to be home to a three acre dog park!

9. People who have a reasonable amount of control over their dogs…Sometimes Sugaree is a stinker, but I am so grateful that she behaves on leash (most of the time!).

10. Taking the time to pause and appreciate my surroundings…

One thought on “Friday…

  1. I am salivating over your broccoli! That’s definitely on my kitchen garden wishlist next year :)

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