Monthly Archives: June 2013

Smokin’ Hot Tuesday…

1. It has been so nice and hot…I moved my tie-dye operation out of the basement and onto the deck.

2. I could sit out there ALL day…I actually did for a good part of yesterday and today.

3. Taking a break and digging in the dirt

4. The workers from the power company that worked into the wee hours of the morning to restore our power

5. Enjoying a campfire in our fire pit

6. Logan was so excited to pick out Ellie’s birthday gift. :)

7. Ellie shares her birthday with my dog. Lol

8. Doing what I can and being okay with what I can do…

9. Surprises

10. Decisions that take a load off

An evening of family, food and fun

Traveling through Amish country to my sister’s house (No, she’s not Amish.)

Watching my nephew start the charcoal grill with a flame thrower…  very effective!

Delicious roasted corn, dipped in melted butter, sprinkled with just the right amount of salt.

Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill.  Cooked to perfection!

Seeing family members I hadn’t seen in years.  When did the kids grow so tall?

Looking at old photographs, and trying to figure out the identity of the people in the pictures.   I’m not sure how my nephews managed to find the worst picture of me ever taken, but they did.  Lots of laughs and giggles!

Homemade ice cream!!!!!!!  Sweet, creamy, delicious!

Launching wish lanterns into the sky.  A little scary, but fun.  Glad we didn’t burn down the neighbor’s barn.

A group picture of 40 members of my family: all eyes are open and everyone is smiling.  Perfect!

Time for good-byes…  hugs, tears, smiles, more hugs, more tears.

One of the things that binds us as a family is a shared sense of humor.  ~Ralph Fiennes


  1. Family coming to visit in August, hooray!
  2. I get to clean up and decorate the guest house and the spare bed- SO fun just thinking about it!
  3. Smoothies at Aladdin’s
  4. Spending the afternoon with my husband
  5. The torrential downpour that lasted about an hour- plants needed it so much
  6. Finding my poppies uprooted and my hostas munched…mama dear had a yummy lunch while we were gone
  7. Picking fresh parsley for dinner
  8. Banana peach smoothies
  9. Handstands (wall-supported, for me)
  10. This

giving way to this

Very Grateful for:

God’s taps on the shoulder

the super big screen tv broadcasting Wimbledon in the campus commons

finding excuses to venture to the campus commons

egg whites and asparagus on a warm bagel

foregoing butter (this is big!)

finding out that I was right in my understanding of my underpayment

a new washer—after 22 years!

cantaloupe water


…The river…where you set…your foot just now…is gone…those waters giving way to this…
now this… Heraclitus

Happy Gardening!

1.  Today Nate and Andrew planted their circle garden in our yard

2.  The flowers are bold in color and type

3.  Begonias, Gerbera Daisies, Petunias, and more!

4.  This was the first year of them really taking over the planting

5.  We have been doing this since they were 4 and 6, now they’re 8 and 10

6.  Then they made the most spectacular fairy garden ever

7.  Buttons, marbles, shells, glass discs, pine cones, flowers, wood slices, leaves and more

8.  Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Frog, rubber duckies, and fairies

9.  You can see photos on my Facebook page

10.  I love gardening anyway, but gardening with my G-sons is beyond fabulous!

11.  Also finished the fairy rock garden today.  Yippee!


  1. Sending love to my grandma’s computer, that it gets fixed quick!
  2. Taking my toddler to play at the park today
  3. A 5 y/o girl immediately latched on to her, pushing her swing, helping her up the play area, talking to her
  4. She was such an adorable “little mother”
  5. Then a 4 y/o boy wanted to help too, so my little one had an entourage everywhere she went
  6. I scrubbed miles of wood floors today, such a good feeling
  7. And then tackled another small part of the brick patio. Slow going, with a brush and bucket of vinegar water, but SO satisfying to see the red bricks emerge- like secret beauty waiting to be unearthed
  8. A mama deer hung out in our woods most of the afternoon. She was so beautiful to watch, her long shiny neck, flicking her short tail
  9. Connecting with a friend who was out of town for the weekend- love her
  10. This

1. God

2. Coleus in many colors

3. Flowering zucchini and echinacea

4. Climate control (at least indoors, not sure about cloud seeding or like efforts)

5. Teddy inviting me to talk

6. Trust

7. A summer program for David

8. Hannah committed to work

9. Emily going to the zoo.  (Evidently it’s all happening there.  At that particular zoo, a panther eyed me with particular appetite.  Stop me if you’ve heard this before.)

10. Cleaning up some messes, though there’s plenty more in this messy life


Inner Work

  1. Journalling
  2. Getting to the heart of it
  3. Remembering something unpleasant- and then remembering that I don’t have to waste my precious thoughts on those things
  4. Solving a problem at a higher level of consciousness than the one that created it (thanks Einstein)
  5. A/c
  6. Last yoga teacher training til September today- great class on restorative poses
  7. Watching and learning
  8. Getting to know myself better
  9. Mindfulness
  10. this

bread tie tags

  • Lettuce for Charlie rabbit
  • My GoodListDaily mug
  • Bread tie colors: If your loaf of bread has a blue tie, it’s fresh on Monday; green tie, Tuesday; red, Thursday; white, Friday; yellow, Saturday.
  • Yesterday’s rain, rain and more rain prevented many yard sales all over town…
  • …but we went for our walk wearing hooded jacket…
  • …no umbrella, rarely use an umbrella
  • GPa firing up the bbq grill .. sunshine today :)
  • My cousin’s “kids”…Sophie, dachshund; Lady, black lab; Max, German Shepherd
  • GSon’s continuing motorcycle journey…is in Canada now
  • HGTV

Sunday Morning…

1. Feeling better…I was so tired after our strawberry experience. I think in the future, I am boycotting strawberry jam. Lol

2. Our garden looks so neat and tidy…I am so grateful that we have somehow been able to keep up with the weeds.

3. Email…I am grateful that it is so easy to share photos with a far away friend (even if the photos were posting upside down). <3

4. Online shopping…and quick shipping

5. My mom made it home, safe and sound.

6. Discovering new interests

7. A nice chat with my next door neighbor, Fred

8. Fresh eggs…one of my favorite things

9. I am grateful for learning to keep my mouth shut, when it's for the best. :)

10. Thinking outside the box…