Monthly Archives: August 2014

Good work

  1. Shampooed carpet
  2. Lake breeze through open windows
  3. High energy
  4. Clean laundry
  5. Teeny Monarch caterpillars
  6. A butterfly ready to emerge from its chrysalis
  7. Yard work
  8. Good exercise
  9. So many flowers :)
  10. Feeling tired in a good way


  1. Smoothies with lemon balm and echinacea from our garden
  2. Visit from a dear friend who I don’t get to see very often
  3. Cradle for my toddler- she loves putting her babies to sleep like mommy does
  4. Paying attention
  5. Less of this (online)
  6. Saying what’s on my heart
  7. Peace
  8. Still stretching to do more of what’s right
  9. this

1. God

2. The life of Jay Grateful, which is not his name  but how I have always thought of him.

3. And to Rob for telling us of the celebration of his life.

4. Visitors

5. Examples of gratitude

6. Imagination

7. In all languages

8. Sight

9. Water dogs

10. Harmony rhythm and melody


So Much Gratitude!

1.  time spent on the patio next to my memorial fairy rock garden — outstanding!

2.  gratitude to my patient husband who drove me all over town tonight — what a guy!

3.  Zentangle beginning lesson today — a Grandma and her granddaughter in matching Zentangle tennis shoes — fabulous!!

4.  Zentangle Club — making an exploding Zentangle box — way fun!

5.  dark red cherries — oh yes!

6.  counting point for Weight Watchers — then I know when to STOP!  lol

7.  my daughter-in-law, Dyan — what a remarkable woman!

8. watering the garden — love to visit!

9.  heaven blue morning glories — truly heavenly!

10.  making happy bracelets — all kinds of wild and colorful beads!











  1. Feeling a little lost and unsure, which means I’m looking for more info and will learn something
  2. Friends who come out to visit
  3. Incremental improvement
  4. Aha moments
  5. Being sure of some things
  6. Seeing where I’m rigid and judgemental, so maybe I can work on changing to loving and flexible
  7. Letting go, little by little (why do I hang on to ideas so tightly?)
  8. Brighter, lovely living room walls thanks to my husband painting
  9. Another successful night for posting a list, hurrah
  10. This

1. God

2. Julia’s poem

3. Love this blog post about gratitude, gratitude postcards, and watch the video (in which, unlike in much research these days, they replicated an experiment!)

4. Cassie mixes herbs and flowers in her vases

5. Cassie’s delight spending time with Emily

6. The idea of “reading the room,” simply noticing, when one visits a person in home or office, taking in what’s important to that person, using it for conversation and connection.  I read it in a book about sales, a kind of negotiation I’ve conducted on the other side of the table from the author for almost two decades, in ignorance.

7. Helen

8. Saying hard things and not engaging in a useless argument

9. Delight

10. New day


  1. This article– which felt like reading River Runs Through It and Huck Finn all at once, but from a cool dad’s perspective
  2. My daughter playing “going shopping” and her sole purchase and destination was apples at the farmer’s market :)
  3. Hearing coyotes
  4. The frog pond- an impromptu hole in the ground that filled with water and leads to endless toddler delight
  5. Meeting my own extreme selfishness, it’s hard to deny or look away when your children show it to you
  6. The way we get exactly the children that teach us where we need to grow
  7. Having enough time and brainpower to write my list tonight
  8. The ourpouring of love that came from Robin Williams’ death- look at how many people he’s still touching, and the incredible beauty coming from it, even, or because of, the grief and sadness
  9. The way beauty isn’t always pretty
  10. A grateful heart for this, all of this

Little Things

  1. Monarch caterpillars
  2. Small bites of a double-chocolate Klondike Bar
  3. Itsy-bitsy spiders
  4. Little mistakes that can be corrected
  5. Cat whiskers
  6. Baby steps that add up to milestones
  7. Cricket sounds
  8. Short conversations that say a lot
  9. Haiku
  10. An ounce of courage