Monthly Archives: September 2014

Giving in

  1. A lovely chat with my imagination sister
  2. Time at home while my eldest was away for the morning
  3. Bottled kombucha
  4. Roasted pumpkin
  5. Made pumpkin soup, which was amazing
  6. Wrote a little, which was nice
  7. Learned about this– and dug out my Vitamin D
  8. Danced around the living room with both girls
  9. Laughed til my stomach hurt at my husband’s jokes
  10. This

1. God

2. A thought and no-thought exercise with Bob

3. Visiting my mother and father

4, Mornings, dark and otherwise

5. Forgetting

6. Late vegetables

7. Cassie’s appreciation when I made dinner and brought it to her in bed



1.  a late morning sleep-in

2.  having family over for dinner

3.  not wanting to let go of Summer

4.  grandson’s last baseball (Fall Ball) of the season

5.  I recently joined the “LeBron James Grandmothers’ Fan Club”

6.  making happy bracelets

7.  Steampunk Zentangle at Zentangle Club!

8.  grapes

9.  telephones

10.  hanging onto our garden as long as possible


  1. Soil to start winter lettuce
  2. Pulled all the ivy from the front bed- tons of space for other things now
  3. All the big brown thumb-sized spiders- grateful that I’m not afraid of them anymore (too much) and for all they do
  4. Chipmunks scurrying with fat cheeks full of nuts
  5. Sunday is ‘fill the birdfeeder’ day so it’s like Christmas for the cardinals and chickadees
  6. The tree Mark cut down didn’t fall on him, thank God
  7. Being able to take criticism better than I have in the past
  8. Finally realizing that some faults take awhile to work out, not just fast fixes
  9. A strong routine in our days- a great framework for change
  10. This


  1. Showing up
  2. Renewed commitment
  3. The music of Dan Fogelberg
  4. Poignant memories
  5. Good times with my sister
  6. Spending lots of time in Nature
  7. Our 1999 Honda that gets great gas mileage
  8. Being mindful of my carbon footprint
  9. As always…birds and butterflies
  10. All of you

1. God

2. How gratitude awakens one

3. How animals awaken one

4. Jenna’s love for Willie, her chihuaua

5. Whom she told me about while she was cutting my hair

6. A fair on the town common

7. The mayor danced with the senator

8. A book of photography where I saw this:;id=31020;type=101#


  1. The farmer’s market
  2. Fresh apples, rasberries, lettuce, sprouts
  3. Cobbling together lunch out of an empty pantry
  4. Andrea’s wares- bought an adorable hat
  5. Left hand drawing at a cafe (holding baby with the right, of course)
  6. My husband’s strength and ingenuity
  7. Options and time
  8. A fabulous creative partner- my imagination sister
  9. Trying new things
  10. This


  1. Being back
  2. Overcoming inertia
  3. Crystal’s brilliance, talent and inspiration
  4. New website/blog
  5. My very first blog post :)
  6. A revived entrepreneurial spirit
  7. Releasing my 13th Monarch in a sunny meadow
  8. Watching her emerge from her chrysalis yesterday
  9. Holding her on my finger as she stretched and warmed her wings in the sun
  10. The absolute wonder of it all