Monthly Archives: September 2014

1. God

2. Cassie took time off from work to me the fireman who discovered faulty wiring in the smoke detectors which have been sounding off at random.

3. Helpful students

4. Pep talk from Steve

5. Breeanna’s smile

6. Stumbling into the right direction

7. Owning up to mistakes

8. Things resolved without or in spite of my fussing

9. Late blooming sunflowers, one in front of the porch, others high up on the stalks

Many Thanks!

1.  Loved Crystal’s quote by her friend, Sally – it’s never a lack of resources, it’s a lack of resourcefulness.

2.  I loved it because today I finally started an online art course for which I had bought a LOT of resources, but was wildly procrastinating getting into a real beginning with.

3.  #2 is a really weird sentence, but I am grateful that there are no rules here about making sense!  ha ha ha

4.  Being with my fabulous grandsons after school today.

5.  Leading a laughing circle at a social center tomorrow morning.

6.  Skyping tomorrow afternoon with my friend Janet, who is also my creativity coach.  She is full of fun and wisdom!  Hooray!

7.  Sitting at my kitchen table which is in wild disarray from my art project.  Yippee yo yo YO!

8.  Getting my wonderful Subaru, “Molly Also”, washed today.  How blessed I am to have such snazzy transportation.

9.  Our book group is reading “Untethered Soul” by Michael Singer — we love it so much, we might read it over again.  In our club, we read page by page together and discuss whenever we are moved.

10.  For this space, this community, these lists.




  1. Sally, who said today, it’s never a lack of resources, it’s a lack of resourcefulness.
  2. Figuring out how to work with what I have is such a fun challenge, it’s like a game- how many ways can I make this happen with only this and this? What’s the most fun way? What’s the silliest? What would make me laugh?
  3. Sleepy babies
  4.  Books from the library
  5. Eloquent writers- and knowing I’ll get to read something by a local favorite soon:)
  6. Being able to help Mark put new trim on the garage- I just held two pieces, but it was nice to help
  7. Oregano oil has kept my cold from turning into bronchitis- and I ALWAYS get bronchitis with a sinus cold, so I’m hugely grateful and a believer in oregano!
  8. Natural ways to solve things, gentle methods that may work slowly, which is a blessing too if you think about it
  9. The quiet of the forest
  10. This

1. God

2. Admitting what I see may not be what is

3. Asking for what I need

4. Receiving validation for such

5. Steve asked me what I was doing and I said receiving a hug from Joe who said why not

6. The surprises that are people

7. Randy and his aunts

8. A mother’s smile

9. The evening leans toward you


  1. The way colds get worse at night- at least the days are relatively easy
  2. Being able to stay up all night with my infant- who caught the cold my toddler and I have
  3. Deep sleep when it does come
  4. Refreshing outside time, for a few
  5. Being able to do more than I thought I could
  6. Knowing the VA is there for my gpa
  7. And my aunt & uncle are there for gparents
  8. My husband
  9. Crickets
  10. this

1. God

2. Rachel for all her work with David since 6th grade

3. Jeanette fixes things

4. Eric got ready whatever I needed for the presentation

5. Loretta’s welcome and example

6. Sufficient time (but not an excuse to squander)

7. Sedum

8. Some other kind of sounds

9. Plumquats?



Grateful for…


God’s love

spending time with the grandkids

my granddaughter did my nails, one hand purple the other orange!!!

my grandson’s laughter

soccer season

my husband

spending an hour at the small museum with my son

a change in the weather is coming!!!

upper 60’s by Thursday! lower 90’s the rest of the week!!!!!






1. God

2. Hannah passed her driving test.  Such persistence.

3. Help from the driving school at every angle

4. Enjoying the last of the summer vegetables

5. Breakfast with Hannah and then driving her to the bus, admiring her attitude and accomplishment

6. Abundance of sunlight

7. Small fruits the color of plums, not sure what they’re called

8. Thom got out of the hospital

9. Messages and responses

So Much Gratitude!

1.  Cold at the baseball game yesterday and my husband, Tom, thoughtfully brought a blanket for me.

2.  Today he took me to the store because I didn’t feel like driving!  What a guy!

3.  Thank you to Crystal, who sent me a fun and goofy postcard, which I hauled around with me for a week!

4.  Church this morning, great music, dear friends, and a good sermon.

5.  Got my training yesterday to become an usher at a local venue.  Will be really fun!

6.  Sweet and juicy peach!

7.  Tasty green grapes!

8.  Trying not to release Summer, but the temperatures are screaming Fall!

9.  Betty Boop

10.  Found a really old handmade sock monkey with a lace hat at an estate sale!  Hooray!