
1. Holidays with Ava
2. Her excitement over the littlest things
3. Hannah, who is a laughing, happy joy
4. My in-laws, who made the turkey, stuffing, gravy, Waldorf salad, and brought cranberry sauce (my goodness, that’s almost everything)
5. I made our own whipped cream for the pumpkin pie and gave everyone a generous dollup. Mark said “I really didn’t want any of that” and I just shrugged. Moments later, mouth full, he said “This whipped cream is divine.” Second major compliment in one week!
6. Taking a photo for the family calendar has become a tgiving day tradition- maybe not an entirely enjoyable one for everybody, but yay, new traditions
7. Ava and I painted a little while the bread was rising, and then she cleaned everything up by herself
8. Both children slept at the same time during the afternoon, I hardly knew what to do with myself!
9. Mark did all of the dinner dishes and put the food away- I am beyond grateful for all he does!
10. This

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