Monthly Archives: January 2015


1. A fun day with my daughter’s friends and their moms
2. Dynamic storytellers
3. Approaching something hilariously different from another mom
4. Meeting a fellow homeschooler/homeschool mom
5. Being mutually cool with differences
6. Letting go a little
7. Not even being tempted
8. Drawing a little
9. Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly
10. Love

All of This…

1. Reading two days worth of lists…It’s so uplifting. Thank you all for sharing.

2. Volunteering with Logan at our church’s food pantry

3. Both of us feeling extra grateful that the man of our house is a wonderful provider, and discussing it on the way home

4. Meeting with my Bible girls today

5. Laughing and sharing

6. Shopping for educational supplies

7. Reassurance from my husband

8. Venting to my mom…She always gets it.

9. Asking Logan’s forgiveness for my bad behavior…and him giving it <3

10. He is a lot like me in the good ways and nothing like me in the not so good ways. Yay!!!

Friendly Thursday

1.  Discovered a very peaceful ocean color paint for my laundry room

2.  Very easy driving and getting around today

3.  excited to see friends tonite

4.  feeling lighter

5.  working on detaching from other’s outcome and choices

6.  love the lime green paint in my kitchen

7.  Happy for a restful night’s sleep

8.  grateful for Dennis and all he does each day without complaining

9.  Grateful for the gift of the day – Thank you God


1. Cancelled plans due to snow meant I got some work done in the basement
2. And worked on synchronized naps for my girls
3. And chatted with a brilliant writer
4. What a glorious day! So beautiful and full
5. I am so grateful for the people in my life- they say it’s who you know, but I think it’s who you love
6. My husband, who is amazing and wonderful
7. The way my whole perspective changes when I have 30 minutes of quiet
8. Really, I hear angels singing
9. God bless all the parents who ever were, are and will be.
10. This

Snowy Wednesday

1.  trying to remain calm with changes in other’s plans

2.  beautiful snow this morning

3.  Joy, joy, joy

4.  grateful for all that my husband does for us

5.  taking a break to regoup

6.  thankful for the support of my best friend

7.  grateful for the gift of the day


1.  The beautiful pink sky last evening; happy that I noticed it

2.  soft white rug under my feet

3.  calm in my household

4.  spring like temperatures compared to below zero temperatures last year

5.   planning my husband’s birthday event

6.  on my way to meditate

7.  learning more about Italy and thinking how/when we can go – on my bucket list

8.  thankful for all my customers

9.  Thankful for the gift of the day – blessings to all

1. God
2. My mother and father
3. How Cassie loves Peabody
4. Kristie’s fabulously welcoming smile
5. Breakfast with David
6. Cutlery
7. Cylinders
8. Black cats on the bed (plus sometimes one calico)
9. Rose

Been reading lots of Brené Brown

1. Recognizing feeling shame
2. A dear friend who listened and reflected and changed my day 100%
3. My grandma’s wise counsel and the incredibly talented way she writes and speaks
4. Groceries, after avoiding going for a few days too long
5. Showing up and being seen
6. Making a change to make everyone more comfortable, that was actually really satisfying
7. Being present with others’ pain, and being empathetic, but not rescuer (wow, Hi, Adult Crystal)
8. Acknowledging my own pain and sticking with it
9. This is the stuff we all have, that we connect over. Isn’t that beautiful that we connect over something otherwise so isolating?
10. All this


1. Martin Luther King Jr.

2. Ruth’s influence on our family

3. The morning gym regulars

4. Linda, who cuts my hair…and squeezed me in at the last minute

5. Logan’s friend Preston, who spent the weekend with us

6. Cooking dinner for friends…with the amazing help of the boys

7. Time alone with my husband

8. It felt like spring when I walked Sugaree.

9. God’s Grace

10. Playing chess with Logan


1. Give me the courage to show up and let myself be seen. -Brené Brown
2. Admitting
3. Asking
4. Play, and how it dissolves all the ick
5. Tension-relieving moments
6. People I admire
7. Sparkle
8. Softness
9. Clean
10. Attention to detail