Monthly Archives: January 2015


1. Hard work
2. Play
3. Children
4. Inspiration to try something new
5. Comic style journalling
6. Farmer’s market
7. Making whatever I could find in the pantry for dinner and it turned out surprisingly good
8. And chocolate chip cookies
9. My husband’s hard work and dedication
10. This

Reappearing Quietly

Very Grateful for:

~God’s poetry
~the orange-purplish sunrise today
~Someone to hold the door
~Donated Books from kind folks for our library-building project
~the National Read-A-Thon, next Saturday
~the recognition that crosses a face when someone knows who you are

It is because
these travelers, these far wanderers,
plane down and yearn in a reaching
flight. They extend our life,
piercing through space to reappear
quietly, undeniably, where we are. ~”Watching Sandhill Cranes” by William Stafford


1.  happy this week is coming to a close

2.  excited to spend an hour tomorrow with my beloved Island Girl

3.  Fun baking cupcakes – therapy that was much needed

4.  heated discussion with my husband ending with good results

5.  agreeing to disagree

6.  knowing good will come and trying to be patient

7.  letting go of the outcome – helps to read your posts

8.  taking a breath

9.  thankful for the gift of the day and for each of you!

1. God
2. Dwelling in ambiguity
3. Not having an answer
4. Focusing on needs before solutions
5.sometimes a wrongfest
6.identifying people who can help
7. Taking the help that’s offered
8. Noticing avoidance in myself
9. Remembering


1. Irreverence is a lot of fun, I think I’ll have it more often
2. Hearing a decent response
3. Paying attention to how I felt- and taking note
4. A glorious few minutes with watercolors before everyone woke from naps
5. Play, who knew it was so much fun?
6. Testing limits
7. Being in a place where I can be totally present
8. Which is the greatest gift, defense, plan- whatever I need it to be
9. Letting go of a previous expectation
10. Wow

Friday Good List

1. My husband warming the car for me this morning…and every other morning

2. He supports and helps me set and reach goals

3. After surviving military life and all its challenges, including retirement and really living together for the first time, we finally have a “thing”. Going to the gym is that thing. I am so grateful for that.

4. Sticking it out

5. Learning and growing through the dark times

6. The freedom of realizing that it’s not about me

7. Logan has a dad that will leave school and drive an hour to pick up his good friend who is spending the weekend with us.

8. It turns out that Sugaree overdid running up and down the hill on Wednesday…She is taking is easy, but getting better. I love that dog so much!

9. Prayerful friends…

10. Dennis at the post office…He is always so nice and helpful. And I always need help! LOL

Very Grateful for:

God’s enough

That God sees me as Enough

But God’s creating is never Enough

The beauty of a cold day sunset

The realization that it had gotten “enough” at work and so I pulled back

tiny tea lights in mercury glass jelly jars ( )

and a warm fleece blanket

Amelia’s “Fleece-A-Palooza” event which made 30 fleece blankets for the local shelter

acoustic music in the morning  ( Acoustic Morning )

We are poets. Heroes of the abandoned words ~Andrea Gibson