I am what I am because she was what she was

My mother was an amazing woman. How I would love to share an afternoon with her. We enjoyed each other’s company. I miss Scrabble,shopping and impromptu picnics.

Jane Margaret Taylor Green was born October 25,1915. She left us in 2000 at age 85.She never won a medal or set a record but she was loved by all because she loved them.

Every one assumed she was an “old maid” but she fell in love in her mid thirties and began a roller coaster ride that ended with my father’s death. Enduring, patient, comfortable love.

Along with my father she received three girls. She had no parenting experience. Soon she had enough to write a book. Those girls became daughters and the daughters gave her grand children. More to love.

She worked hard but she played hard too. Always was reading a book. Took a nap every day. Never missed a drink before dinner. Enjoyed her vices. Savored her life.

By the time I came around she was 38. That was old for a first child in the 50’s. I was royalty to her and a source of agreement to the family. Sometimes I forget how loved I was!

She was involved in my life and if I embraced it she did too. Rollerskating in her 50’s. Geauga Lake in her 60’s. Always ready to try something new.

My father decided it would be fun to buy a recreational park and it was fun. But I don’t think my mother pictured her golden years running a swimming park. But it was part of the ride.

My father bought a little place for them while my mother was on vacation. By the time she got home her address had changed and everything was moved. If this bothered her ,she never said.

My father got sick at Thanksgiving was very ill by Christmas and gone by February. I’m in awe of her strength at redefining herself. She was more worried about us.

Depression and anxiety cornered me and I was ready to give up. She mothered me and supported me as I found my smile again. She was a bright spot on the darkest days,a star on the darkest night. Unconditional love.

Her diagnosis was met bravely. Her only request was to stay at home which we were able to do. My sisters comforted her as she left us. I paced nearby.

I am who I am because she was who she was. You are on my mind Mom. I hope that means you’re thinking of me too.

About MaryEllenNeitz

I have been posting Gratitude Lists for years. Got out of the habit but I'm back. I live with my Hubby and two bratty cats. The kids are grown. Grand daughter in Texas now with our great grand daughter. Grand son a nice young man in High School.Active at Church. Avid reader! Peace, Love and Daily Naps!

2 thoughts on “I am what I am because she was what she was

  1. Hi mary Ellen
    What an interesting family. What an incredible mom and family. Thank you for sharing your history. How are you doing?

  2. Wow! Your words gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful tribute to your Mom, and a tribute to you too, for loving her so much and looking out after her. Thank you for sharing, sistah/friend!

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