
1. I’m grateful we happened upon a parade, and instead of being annoyed, we got out and watched it
2. I’m grateful for the Marines, when they marched in perfect unison and the crowd clapped I cried. I remember (not the Marines, but army) seeing the color guard when I was a kid, and hearing taps
3. I’m grateful for boundaries, in my life and as I learn more, and how healthy and loving they can be
4. I’m grateful for new books that are exactly what I need to read
5. I’m grateful for the gym and being able to take the girls swimming now, and how much Ava loves it
6. I’m grateful that Hannah is growing, and when I set her on the grass today, instead of bending her knees to sit, she stood and balanced hands-free
7. I’m grateful for an abundance of good food to eat, anytime, and close access to it
8. I’m grateful my daughter and I have fun together
9. I’m grateful for sharing the same perspective with my husband
10. I’m grateful for a place to be consistently grateful, that reminds me to practice the greatest power I have, on a daily basis

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