Thank you God for June 6, 2015!

  1. I got to eat pound cake today! It’s a beloved childhood food that I haven’t eaten in over 5 years and it tasted just like how it did the last time I remembered it!
  2. Fresh grouper from the fish market and it was very moist, tender, and flavorful! Delicious!!!
  3. Got to go to work today! I am so blessed to be able to do what I love and have so much fun doing it! Saw an old friend at work and made two new ones! Got to enjoy 4 hours of wonderful, meaningful, real conversation about our families, friends, personal life, childhood, upbringing, interests, life decisions, God, faith, major life events, church, volunteering, donating to the poor, catalysts in our lives that changed the way we view and live life, hobbies, etc. with both of my new friends and discovering how much we have in common! What I loved about our conversations was that it was in the spirit of the true sense of mutual sharing and a genuine desire to get to know the other person as the entire person and all aspects of their life INSTEAD of having meaningless small-talk and conversations about work, how to get ahead at work and in life, what we can get out of talking to the other person, and how the other person can benefit us. It was about seeking to give rather than to take, truly wanting to understand the other person and letting them know that we understand them rather than wanting to be understood ourselves, a focus on others rather than on ourselves, seeking other’s interests and holding others as more important than ourselves, giving and not wanting anything in return, and using our God-given resources and talents to help people instead of seeing people as a means to an end. It was WONDERFUL, because that is what all of my relationships are like. So I made two new real friends!
  4. I woke up this morning with a vision of what to make for my parents for breakfast–organic hash browns, two scrambled organic and free-range chicken eggs, organic avocado slices, two pieces of toast with Monterey Jack cheese and pan-fried ham on top, and sautéed organic mushroom medley. After asking them if I could make breakfast for them (and they said yes), I was able to prepare and present every component of my vision on a beautiful circular plate; one for each of them!
  5. Being able to pray my morning prayer, make breakfast for parents and myself, eat breakfast with them, shower and wash my hair, get ready for work, and arrive to work early, and take my time doing everything, all in a state of calmness and peace instead of rushing and hurrying.
  6. Sooooooo grateful that I get to work in a career that provides free, delicious, abundant, and nutritious lunch for all employees!
  7. Received a gift card to Target!









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