Thank you God for June 26, 2015!

  1. Peace and quiet
  2. My niece behaving so well when her mother’s not around
  3. The cleansing sensation of the rain
  4. Tried a new lemongrass basil sauce for dinner and it was delicious!
  5. The opportunity to read the bible to my niece and my sister! This was the first time I’ve ever gotten the chance to do this and it is such a blessing! My 1-year old niece literally grabbed a bible and handed it to her mom. Her mom couldn’t read it because she was preparing food and the bible app on her phone couldn’t play because her phone’s speaker doesn’t work. I happened to be on the computer and was able to quick go to to read one of my favorite chapters in the bible (1 Corinthians 13) to my niece. While I don’t know how much of it she and her mom listened to me as I read to her or how much of it she understood or whether I was reading at the right pace/volume, it occurred to me that this very moment was why God placed me here (on earth, in this house, with this family) at this time. This event happened today, and just yesterday God gave me a revelation about the bible. It is so important to me to read the bible and to be able to read it to my family is an incredible and very rare blessing!
  6. More book donations for our church’s ministry booth! It looks like we might be able to give away a book to every visitor!
  7. I woke up this morning with a revelation about love, i.e. God speaking to me and helping me understand what love is. As soon as I woke up, He said to me “Love is caring.” It’s caring about other people’s health in mind, body, and spirit. It’s being just as excited as they are when they have good news and celebrating with them. Love is not responding with a careless “Oh” and walking away. Love is not responding coldly. Love is genuinely and selflessly caring about other people–our fellow creations of God, in the same way that we care about ourselves.
  8. I try to read a portion of the bible before going to bed every night. Today I was being led by the Holy Spirit to read Jude chapter 1. I read the part about “praying in the Holy Spirit” and wondered how I can do that and what the difference is between that and just simply praying. I did some research online and found “That is, He is the one who motivates and enables and energizes your prayer. And when you pray in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God is ‘guiding’ how you pray and what you pray for. So, to pray in the Holy Spirit is to be moved and guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer. We pray by his power and according to his direction.” It turns out I already pray in the Holy Spirit and this is a gift too. Thank you God for allowing us to speak to you and for speaking to us and through us!

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