Monthly Archives: December 2015

Thank you

  1. For breath
  2. For eyes
  3. For lips and speech
  4. For backbone, ribs
  5. For heart
  6. For brain
  7. For hands and fingers, wrists that turn and flick and support lifts
  8. Toes that balance and knees that bend
  9. Stomach and intestines etc that send fuel into it all
  10. Skin

  • Trimming the tree :)
  • Christmas music playing
  • Treasured ornaments…
  • …some my Mother’s…some our children’s when they were in grade school…memories!:)
  • Pam at the eye doc’s office…she is consistently cheerful and pleasant to each person, truly delightful and compassionate and helpful
  • Snow
  • Grateful, again, for the crews who are up early and sanding our roads
  • 8 degrees today with sun shining, beautiful and fresh
  • The lovely and cheerful Christmas atmosphere at the nursing home we visited

Twas the week before Christmas

My jingle bell tree

My window seat with my little tree

My reindeer shelf

Little itty bitty snowmen all in a row

Christmas coffee cups

The misunderstanding that my hubby wanted decorations up! Could have saved a lot of time and work!

Firming up the rules for Christmas trivia game

Thinking up what to get for daughter.

Finding what I need for her friend

Delivering bags from Church to shut ins. Grateful to be an elf!

I am busy but grateful. When I had the blues yesterday I thought sure there are things you need and people you miss but you are Blessed!




Thank you

  1. Great meeting with (hopefully) our builder
  2. Lots of options and choices
  3. Open focus thinking
  4. Seeing clearer from bird’s-eye view
  5. Walks
  6. Doing what I need to do
  7. Great questions
  8. Assessing how I present myself to the world
  9. Mail! :)
  10. This amazing life

Thank You for Everything!

1. a wonderful massage today — ahhhhh!
2. being with the “Island Girls” — Linda, Kathy, and Rose
3. birds at the feeder — nuthatches, juncos, cardinals, wrens, house sparrows, sparrows, woodpeckers (on the tree), chickadees, tufted titmice! and more!
4. getting ideas for Christmas presents
5. Christmas cards — receiving and sending
6. a purple Christmas tree — fabulous!
7. Christmas cookies
8. singing in the Christmas choir
9. houses festooned with Christmas lights — hooray!
10. the smell of pine tree boughs

Where are you?

Favorite Christmas song right now Where are you Christmas?

Dig deep for gratitude today! The motions of Christmas have me emotional.The emotions of Christmas have me vulnerable!

Erin’s successful surgery

The anticipation of putting some decorations up

Christmas music

Planning the Christmas meal

The joy we find through giving

The picture of my grandson smiles and a tear

Picturing myself finding something I can’t find

Searching for presents,laughter,peace and time

Accepting graciously and quietly