Monthly Archives: December 2015

  • Oh Goodness, wish you could all be here with us right now :)…
  • …our house smells like a candy store…
  • ….GPa  is making his world famous caramel corn…it is absolutely heavenly!
  • A week ago we had a 3.5 earthquake which Cathy said sounded exactly like a locomotive coming through their livingroom…wow!  No damage, however..:)
  • Several days later, as a result of high winds, trees were blown down on various power lines and over 4,000 people were without power (we were fine)…so grateful for the linemen who came to the rescue and got it all up and running!
  • Excited when in their last game Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers threw the winning hail mary, miracle in Motown, pass, caught by Richard Rodgers…be grateful for those rare things :)
  • Thankful for your and our loving families.
  • We Love Gratitude…Creative Spiritual Women

Thank you

  1. To the person in car in front of us who paid for our Starbucks order
  2. For a little walk and a little workout, which helped me feel human instead of machine
  3. For sparkly Christmas lights
  4. For presence and patience and seeing the heart of a friend
  5. For leveling up by way of deeper humility
  6. For not having to do it all or know it all
  7. For the amazing apples at Krieger’s
  8. For peace 
  9. For sending love instead of fear and resentment
  10. Focus


A decorated house looks beautiful in the night

A decorated tree

A decorated package just for you

A decorated package you’ve wrapped for someone else

Two decorated packages for a family . Thank you Lord for giving me the means to gave their wishes.

Eighteen decorated gifts to go into eighteen festive bags for the Church to deliver to the shut ins.

Is it any wonder I haven’t had time to decorate my house but I’m decorating my soul.

Peace,love,joy,memories and hope!


Gratefully yours

Thank you that I can serve and do.

Grateful for my friends who accept me flaws and all

Grateful to reach the end of a project

Knowing I’m finishing another today

Grateful to be part of a new one

Grateful to have won a little Christmas tree. It comforts me and delights me.

Knowing when enough will suffice

Flexible people

The Blue Christmas program tonight led by my friend who is having surgery Monday. It takes my breath away!

Generous people

Father God I remain as always gratefully yours!

1. God
2. The ideal committee – put as many people as can fit in a taxicab and the group must finish its work before the cab arrives at its destination (according to Edwin Land)
3. Meeting Polly for the first time, and in quite unexpected circumstances
4. Geometry
5. Pictures
6. Words and memories
7. The Christmas tree in the park in the dark

Thank you

  1. Remembering to be thankful
  2. Listening to my gut
  3. Fun with words
  4. The things that encourage change (even the UGH things)
  5. Setting things up in record time
  6. Opening a new door
  7. Everyone benefitting
  8. Love inside, love outside
  9. Affirming messages
  10. This life