March 10-17 gratitudes

  1. 3/10: I am thankful for feeling better today, a good training session at work. the opportunity to assist a friend, and the opportunity to get some extra rest tonight.  Thank God it’s Thursday!
  2. 3/11: Friday: I am grateful for the friendly help of co-workers, and for lessons learned about not pushing my body to the edge.  I am thankful my soreness is not as extensive as it could be.  I am grateful to learn from my experiences so that I do not need to repeat them. I am thankful for the analgesic cream that helps take the edge off the discomfort.
  3. 3/13: Sunday: I am grateful for feeling better overall (overcoming my cold and soreness), for conversations and emails with others, and for being productive.  I am thankful for inspiring music on you tube, and for the opportunity to make a contribution to the lives of others through communicating with them.
  4. 3/14: Monday: I am grateful to arrive early to help the professor proctor the exam.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be productive at work.  I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine (always gorgeous after the rain), and the opportunity to turn in early.  Not used to daylight savings time yet.
  5. 3/15: Tuesday: Lovely sunny day!  Enjoyed walking from library and doing some work outside.  Grateful for a productive day, and the opportunity to get in some stretching and exercise.  Spring is a hopeful season!  Exciting to see the daffodils, vinca minor, cherries blooming.  Thankful for beauty of nature and inspiration.
  6. 3/16: Weds: Another sunny day!  Enjoyed walking home from work.  Grateful for productivity at work, and the opportunity to share helpful information with co-workers and friends.  Thankful for inspiring music on youtube and for the chance to get some extra rest tonight before a busy day tomorrow.
  7. 3/17: Thurs: I am thankful for a helpful physical therapy session.  I am grateful for the ability to respond quickly and appropriately to an unexpected work need.  A beautiful sunny day which enabled me to eat lunch outside!  I am thankful for a dependable vehicle which makes life so much easier.  I am grateful for feeling better.

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